Page -3- ov.^.-lgned it, Sh/entually a nature trail will surround tho place. The Marine Rejources Center is one more reason for us all to be hugging ourselves with plea sure over living in ES. oOo n-c hicks and JIM REDFIELD had this fantastic fish catching happening a courlc. weeks ago,^ The txae was in at the te&oh and they saw all those small fisli sand and getting stuck in tidal pools. The poor fovUf trying to get away from big blues that were hot on their tails, cut they container, including a couple of tho gar- hl5 no+ ■? " teach by tfAIGHTSEL and JIM. JIM even poppsd up to his car ?,nd got ffish more easily. YUP, it was quite a haul. Loti fishermen have lots of fish now, and there was some left t ^ spread in the next day or two, other would-be as 2°“^ 5° I’sach, poles and nets in had, but nobodv else was get a IS Tiniini ROTIEID, Besides all the above exoitoment, JIM managed to thr. ^ “ well; he was aided in this catch by wife, CAROL, gloriously gaffed tho fish as it was being pulled into shore. ——- oOo C0-hStS?'^°^Th!!^T Glut) at its meeting November 25, with KAY JEROME as tL ^If^^fnaria plans for the lighting of candles in brown bags around Christmas E’/e were detailed by VERN WALLACE. Enthusiasm was to eniov ©3:s; residents and Christmas-time guests of PKS are encouraged to spi +hn 1-5 U+ around tho area between seven and ten on Christmas Eve, to the ? S^bolize the bonfires shepherds built to light their way to the manger on tne first Christmas Eve, Association Parks, is getting land- f ^ the Club. MABEL HEMPHILL announced that, after water is p ^ed in and available, planting and pine straw covering will begin, 5+Z®" i^Pired members brought Christmas decorative arrangements to the wi+h « meeting and described how they were made. BEA'S house was decked yauponr everything from pineapples to burlap, as weU as holly and SfcSron®pouitiL“^’ oOo v?"in^rVq^ Switzerland? Editor Doll has this cousin in the tiny 1,. f?+ f, cousin, Hans Bborle, is its mayor. Says Mayor Eber- unbelievable how many problems such a small town has I" He and his wife. CnS A?"’ ^ townspeople to whom they serve a coffee or a teor. Of course, we in PKS know it isn't incrodible at all how many problems a communities got together and compared notes, we might help each other. We'll keep in touch with Schwandi (canton Glarus). oOo Somebody, says JACK GOLDSTEIN, told him somewhere, that Pine Knoll Shores is one of nation with three words in its name. This person sa^d there w^ another in - was it Maine? and Jack has since thought of nearby evil Hills, Anybody want to pour over atlas indexes for more? -—— oGo — tail-wagging-stick chaser, tho friend of all THOMASES, Ben's bereft family, tell us that ^ ^ disease and just couldn't ahake it. He was on^j ™OMAS says she made lots of ho of -m « tteou^ Ben, who followed people amiably, endearing himself to folks kindlv I! ?’ smiling, always eager for a pat on the back, nuzzling, ^J-naiy Ben will be long remembered. oOo fomerly the Carpetbagger, is now being run by Mr, Roger Powell of the resta.irrn Powell lives right at the motel, welcomes us all to the from A either breakfast or dinner. He especially is pleased to be offering, she i ^ mackeral and grits, and is proud too, of their ab soup, seafood, and steak menu from ^tOO P.M, to 10;00 P.M, Beer and w-ine