PIN3 KNOLL SHOHE LINE ISSUE 21 JANUARY 1975 Editors? Maiy Doll 726-7^21 Bo tty Kammon ^^h^plca™ of° ■■ t°au«.fal island coipmur.i- pl’ tine ''-a-^ang the ooach and goli’g out on tho Sound, the iun of wo-ki-r+o-tSr° ^°g°-toWos, tho hapi)ino3s of ma&in? friends and anticip:..ticn. There wUl bo darl: HO Koro’to'find'pino feSl Sh^os!"^^ foriunato — oOo Ma^r ^o-T*^^"f^‘^P^' CoiEnisslonors mot Thursday, Docombor 12, oH s^v of Vn! ^ ^ PWExdins. Tho Cornnissionors askod for to Kork Ailoon Adana, tho Town C]ork ^Tov?‘of-ifiaJKayor P.edflold, Jim Ramsoy, or mont asrcoF.nnt wl+h i+ r - f -o ^ 3f^ hn/o oomidotcd a .mutuj.l law onforoe- ™ AtLc-auic Boaoh ao thai oithor town can lorally call ^=-or tjolioo vSicS bo ™orfOur_?.lioo Commisslonor ;-cs rog,.Sstod tSt i Wh sot "loro Inf’™ ® oudgot. Commissioner Bozuyon was roquosted to rotainod o-Pondituro mandatod by our chartor should bo suF.->ostod iha+'s~‘ dxBoussod. Both tho Commissioners and tho Town Attorney sag.,estod ^nat a public hearing bo hold on this matter. ^ pSushod\^°+hn^?°°!^^ hearing on proposed ordinances, Da-bos of hearings will be S a i" °f time for all of us to plan to attend, meeting, that only six citizens attended tho Docombor Commissionors ’ bSsr^!)ilf*'h!fi7 Shores city tags to bo displayed on the front non--r--3id''^T Fine Knoll Shores residents and may be purchased by cost cf $r;oo! available at tho Town toll at the oOo "OUM fSd s dedicated a backer of PKS as anyone you -ll'caiirhj^rA^ something special about people here, she says, because they ^ purpose, and, though many arc retired, they have worked hard to "e:nfLl°^i:r ^ lueln^fa crviGvr, And the pooplo aro her favorite thing about tho place, *° visit her sister, fc- Parker Ford ^ Service Manager married in 1S7’ «^ fi3t°r-uppor around tho house. They wore Ba-nseur N n ,^4.^ Pf’^nts of two girlsj one is Ann, married and living in S^t !kgh'schooi!"° ^ ^ +“ years Aileen served Morehead City in sovoral capacities! as Tax Collec- Church°S°M^h^°rt" Treasurer, She is very active in tho First Methodist and lots n-f t ? ^MT f '• lovos to do embroidery, needlepoint, and lots of sewing. "I Jcoep the machine out all the time," she says. «S°an^t5 K’^od? I’- i" y°- •oOo* JUNE) and VINCENT DIROSA have moved into tho house they built more Vincent will°^P^°-f+ n° ^ ^ renters) on Oakleaf and Willow. December 22 for a tour of duty in Okinawa, to bo gone 13 homo^ith“Lr'^M?^°'^® settling into their newly decorated Aubur^ nnlv»^i+ ®“Ska. Oldest boy, Phillip, I9, attends ea^^bl^hvli^t Ala^a. Others aro Patrick, 16j Patricia, I3 (and she is an 7 ®-°°°®Plished, too; call her at 726-I263); Patrina, 11, and Perry, i ^ a Master Gunnery Sgt. in the supply services field. They Nervn^^ir'^+ Georgia, although Vincont is originally from upper «ew lork State and June from West Virginia, l^s long-time-a-building house just over the bridge on Mimosa, fivoTv + T, f . Raleigh, but, with her two boys, comes now to PKS about every two wQoks to-enjoy beach life.