PIKE KNOLL SHOEE LIKE ISSUE 25 COmiSSIOKERS' HESTIHG - April 10, 1975 A report on town taxes showed that only 3.16% of PKS proper^ n’f om- 8^9 have not yet paid their taxes. That xs a good record, 36.8M-/o of oui S3J property owners tiave paid tlieir taxes# Larry Jerome, reporting on Coastal Area Management plans, told the groui that one requirement will be public meetings to get come . citizens. When thses meetings are announced, as many PKS citizens possible should plan to attend* Ruth Bray reported on the Bogue Banks Council of recently with the Carteret County Board ?£^Comxssioners. Th some feeling that PKS should cooperate with need«d. but that another governmental agency on the island not he nee Ooiomissioner Ramsey suggested that for the present, the Board she not formally adopt a resolution to join. In the matter of mail delivery, PKS chose to stay Morehea ' y a rural mail route rather than go with Atlantic Beacn» Mayor Redfield stated that ^ amount for thei: contract would be included in the budget and ci opinions at the budget hearings. Bill Macdonald, who vS^hicr^^""”' suggested that an amount be included in the ^uag . h^lD until th^ coSld be equipped with fire hose and could go to fires f fire department ai-rives. Fire protection xs ° P ' ^ be dj.RCussed by the Bogue Banks Council of Gov HR AT? I MG- OH rH( XL’Or>Kl) OT?.DIN.AKC£S - Ap3?il 11, 1975 The sign ordinance as pi'esented by I/arry »Teroine size of signs and proposes a committee to x^eview perma ^ a to insure that signs are in good taste and aesthetically acceptablBo permit would be required to erect a sign and a fee charged. The fire protection and prevention ordinance is patterned after typical municipal ordinances. Questions raised concerned dangers arising when a lot is cleared and brush is burned, and the possibility ox securin^ permits for beach fires for picnics. Larry Jerome will look into all questions raised and make sure the ordinance covers uhem. Discussion of the traffic ordinance brought a moment of laughter when E Warner asked if the definition of vehicles which included bicycles should not also include tricycles which some of us ride. Oh, our advancing years, or is our sense of balance? Hearing, May 1 Two of the proposed ordinances discussed at the previous^hesring were presented for vote with minor revisions as suggested at tne _ _ hearing. Both carried v/ithout opposition, so we now have toiiii ora:.n^c covering fire protection and prevention, traffic and signs. i!ollo>v:.r-.g the vote on these two ordinances, the meeting was devoted "to a hoa^-'-xiy, on proposed annexation of an area v/est of the tov/n limits. Th3 cc»i.'Ui'iss ioners asked for expressions of opinio n from citizens regarding annexation. Points were brought up regarding costs of services compared with anticipated income. Services which would have^to be provided in an annexed area would include policing, street lighumSi and road maintenance. An annexed area v/ould come under PKS zoniiL?; ordinances. Developement is now controlled by county ordinances o.nd tJr: a->-ea comes imder planning regulations covering coastal resourco:^ 'lae Commissioners will continue stu.dy of suggested annexation, consi.aern.iig citizen opinions expressed at the hearing. Suggestion for residents planning to be away from^PKS for any lengtl'. of time I A form is now available at the Town Hall which wil3- tell oup ^ police how long you expect to be away and where you can be reacheu :..a case of emergency. „ Our police would appreciate your filling ou-a ono ol thses forms for them so they may give us even better service in ^ protecting our property. Please get the form at the town hall ana j.ile it with the PKS police before you leave on a trip.