PINE KNOLL SHORE LINE ISSUE 29 SEPTEMBER 1975 Editors: MARY DOLL BETTY HAMMON BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, August 14, at the Whaler Inn — LAR^ JEROME, Planning Board Chairman, told the Board that Paul Foster, Wilmington architect, is ready to begin drafting our Town's Land Use Program in accordance \r±t\ the Coastal Area Management Act. Larry also presented a subdivision request fror. Bogue Enterprises, Ltd, Action on this request was deferred until all outstand^/.f questions could be answered, and the Board agreed that a special meeting should Vc called when all inforsiation is at hand. JOHN COLLIER urged quick approval of tlio subdivision because of new State health ordinances which become effective September 15 which might affect design of the subdivision. COMMISSIONER HICKS reported that "No Passing” marks, "No Parking,” and ”Pedestri?n Grossing" signs have been placed in several locations in PKS. Tajijaway signs w.;.?l be added in the near future, CoEunissioners heard a report regarding the need to increase town insurance covevr liabllLi'iiy ccvyerage through an umbrella type policy to the amount oi ^ L10001000 5 BILL MACDONAJjD tha proposed fire protection contract with Atlantic Becic*!, T^o contiaot wv^Jld also include Rescue service. Cost would be ,05 per ^>100 valvic*.- t^.on and would be subjact to re-negotiation each year. The contract would be for. five years, Atj.antic Beach agrees that the rate paid by Pine Knoll Shcras will no g-pa>^0r thci'::. nocessiry to defray increased costs. The proposed contract al^o st?t;jF the 11?-cunt to i}.?got:!ate an amended or new contract to ulp and staff a substetlcn la Pine Knoll Shores in a building to be provided by PKS. It was agreed that there should be a public hearing on the proposal on Monday, August 25, HEARING ON PROPOSED CONTRACT WITH ATLANTIC BEACH FOR FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE, August 26 at the Whaler Inn: MAYOR REDFIELD annoiinced that so far as he knew, no member of the Board had been approached regarding a site for a Convention Center in Pine Knoll Shores. The Town Zoning Ordinance does not permit such a center in Coriunercial Zone 3 which is the zoning of the site suggested in newspaper articles about the proposed center, BILL MACDONALD presented the proposed contract for fire and rescue service, ex plaining that Fast Pine Knoll Shores is within the 4 mile fire district covered by Atlantic Beach, Owners in that district are billed by the Couaty, The rate last year was $.03 per $100'^^aluation. The rest of P.Vne Knoll Shores is covered by Bogus Banks F:lre and Rescu2 which is located in Salver Path, Residents are currently askod to If they live in this jA'der t>\e prcjiosed con tract, Atlcvi-tic Beach ;.-r5 l Rescue Squad would e /'or a, 11 oi PJr-j ^^oll Shores a'^ a cost of p-‘r $100. This wou.i.6. ncro'.i iii .iii£u.Coticc premiums for now. The proposed contract would run ±o:c five yea;rs„ Fivj lyeais was suggested because they must do long-term planning for stafi and eiuip:.'.tent, Mr. Macdonald recommended tViat the contract be accepted^ L^ubject to ar.proval on a referendum at the Novexiiiier ^bh election and that the ^V-'nmilssioncrvv ap'.i^c.lnt a com mittee to work toward plannlrio; for a Fire Depar--,man-v ir. ho feels, would allow time for proper planniiig and for training a staff. The question of establishing a Pine Knoll Shores Volunteer Fire Department immediately was raised and discussed. Fire fighting it was staced^ is essentially ' a young man’s job. Age distribution of permanent residents is as follows: 83^ over 40; 66% over 50 and 30^ over 60. The Board voted to defer action at the hearing. As is their custom, they met later to consider points brought up at the hearing plus any added y't-.zts available. At a special meeting of the Board held August 27, the contract was passed unanimously, and the five-yeaT contract will be voted on at the referendum. Stickers showing the emergency number (Communications Center) will be distributed to put on your telephona. Should you not receive one, they are available at the Town IfeJLl, And jsince none of us can be reminded too often the Communications Center number is 728-4111. oOo ^ Here since December, and for a year before that in Pine Khcll Townes, in a home on Holly Street, are CHRISTIN and SYLVIA HUGHES, They came to PKS from Tampa, Fla. Christin is Superintendent of Construction for the Florida firm which is building