# Page -2- General Manager of Elliott overseas unit, to Sid li^nv f headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland, Bill has vivLr?L» the Com^ny and has travelled extensively. He married a twin fere^K^ hAr^ tl WiUiajn H. Ill and Jean Ann, and later -n " ° are five grandchildren. Vivian and Bill enjoy golf and all actave sports. But one of the unusual things they do is to try to learn all Sr nre1r:r%?°^^'%"- interested Atlantic Rmoh “esotiated the contract for fire protection with A iantic Beach, He is currently a member of the Planning Board. ^ficlaff^’familiar to you -because, as one of our first six North Caroli™ +h°" °“f Police, Bom 63 years ago in Salisbury, veSs In w 11 If® 30 years have been spent in this area and the last 10 yea,3rs in Pin© Knoll P'fmT'o.c: t+oot-p _ ^roar«c. -DA t. r- , anO. -Ufie lESt lU SSved a seivice, he reads in TM.r+ "p “oc Coi^eniation" signed by the Sec-etaiy of the Navy, It Actins teSinLt p°^ f Supervision Without a Lost Tine Accident as h»™ ? Foreman", Eudy and Nell were married almost 30 years ago. Thev energy desiSer- employed at the Newport Hews shipyard as an atomic Lewif th.lfL:,.H^f:J‘’J^°,^l!- and Mrs, to T • 1^ . ' X/ jLij, ijc?w x)c;.LTi: aricL iviT*s^ .nTTiTP*»^ grSdchilSL^^'^iurt^^'-"+° ^ ■ Pa~^nts. There are ten +n t,r=Tir ! -ists his hojries as fishing and boa Ting. But ono has only yard {inhabited by ducks. gui.c3°hens, a miluLr rooster and fluffy PouEranian dog) to know they are true naturalists. ~f^m"f^k+P Court, was bom in Marion, Alabama in 1912, He graduated iQo^ u ^as commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in the Marine Corps in S^keSiS S ncru?l°"®\'“ construction ^iness has Realt/S Th»n he was Vice-Presid...n+, of Whispering Pines Pines He a^d x? constrdction co'.spany in Carolina At present /h r *heir good friends, 3d and Kell Crumley, to PKS, EntSse^'^^^M=vf^ .f “orehead City have formed the -’Gary Hayes private reslLnr!« Buxlding Reserrations & Additions" in relation to private residences. Hayes married the former Libby Dees in 1937. They have two children a^d four grandchildren. He enjoys golf, fishing anfh^ti^! ~^our^Tn^Circle, is also well known to you if you have attended any of tem-norp T-i original Commissioners, he acts as Mayor pro wSe*s t Business School. His fraternity was Sigma Nu and his a son o^er harge Dunn, was Chi Omega. They were married in 1939 and have Church f and eight grandchildren. Jim is an Elder in the Presbyterian Sei o??Sf?-^' 30 years, retiring L SnLl years and then fn liv^in Cleveland, Ohio, for 20 first President of years. Locally, Jim was the also enjoS'bmiar^s^nfSiLTtL nrive, is the Building Inspector of Pine Knoll Shores, Bom cLS Co^tv Sf 1?^; Carolina, he has spent 53 years in or near UnivSi+.v f, f^’^^jisited Bogue Banks in 1922, He went to Oregon State Cutler and thev havs"+h®^ ^Minnesota for engineering. He married Bertha Laughlin Steel CorporaSon for grandchildren. He was with Jones & Developments and as Dirpf+nT- nf 4”® ' Sales and Construction of Housing SuBP-rln+l!!?^ i ^ Director of Aoq,uisitions and Mergers, For 6 years he was In Sstri Rav Ei^gineering with T. A, Loving Construction Co, Presently he’is Chalrman^nf% +*° Carteret County Chamber of Commerce, the ^v3^onL„!=? « Carteret County Erosion Control Committee, a member of Bankfl^n«^^» Committee of Carteret County and a member of Ou“r soefflt^t Protection Committee, In his spare time Ray plays golf from the Atlantic^^e^^^^“®^ successful in his garden only a few hundred feet’ oGo tiol participation in Beaufort Seminar for Women! This continuing educa- HoSshop MCPHERSON, an experienLHpeaSr^anf aoSn^sSn’wm Beaufort, The ^ee is ilO for- +hl ^®^^om 8:30 to noon, and the afternoon one from 1;30 to 3j30. etLSatlL to ^^1 combined sessions. Both should pro4 grantee istill openings, but we can’t three following i Shoxe Line is delivered, so call one of the JEANNE BAIER ??6 8?0^ read this if you want to get into this seminar: JiLAT^Wb 13AIER, ?26-830iV; SUSIE GUTNECHT, 728-?228; or DEANNE MURRAY, 726-2862. — qQq