PAGE -3- DOT CUTLER, Salter Path Road, has been tilling us about the busy and happy lives her daughter, SARA and husband, VIC (SCIMECA) are leading here in PKS, in the lower level apartment of Dot's house. Of course, they*ve been there for this really long time and we never knew it{ oxir journalists* noses for news are somewhat unreliable! -Anyway, Dot says Sara and Vic are most interested in being of some use in the communi- ty (attention. Commissioners; here is young blood raring to flow into circulation!). Meanwhile, Vic is working in construction with another young friend, Bob Komegay, while Sara is teaching a special education class at White Oak School in preparation for her Master s degree in Speech Therapy. Vic himself will probably be returning to school again in the near future. They are an active couple - Sara enjoys doing batik - and they love their three enormous, long haired, stray cats, oOo — Here for the first time in the winter after several summers in Pine Knoll Shores is BECKY HAGKLER, She and her son, Mark, live at 102 Knollwood Drive, Mark is in West Carteret High, Becky is still deciding whether to settle here or in their home in Virginia, but she says she and Mark now lean toward Pine Knoll Shores, The family were enthusiastic sailors, and the sailboat is in Oriental where there is deep water sailing, but Mark has a Sunfish which he plans to sail on the Sound next summer, Becky plays bridge and also enjoys her participation in activities at the Methodist Church where they went during all their summers here, AUDREY" and KEN HOFFMEYER tell us that several people have asked if they are here permanently now. The answer is a happy YES, They are now full time residents on Hawthorne Drive, Expressing prosperity: We were talking with a local resident whose family were also coastal North Carolinians, He said that he once had a chance to buy a six horse farm, and his grandfather had a twelve horse farm. Neat way of saying how big and how prosperous yoiir farm is. New neighbors at IJk Juniper are JOHN and CALETTA WARME who moved on December 13, Their daughter, Ann, married Sheldon Hiall, Dortha and Harry‘s younger son, and it was through this connection that the Warmes became interested in Pine Knoll Shores. They came here from Damascus, Maryland (Montgomery County) when both of them retired from their jobs in the Bureau of Standards, John was an illustrator, and Caletta was in the travel section. Although he has worked for many years for the government, jJohn’s career has been varied. He was in Erie, Pa, as a recruiter for the Navy, then he went with the Veterans Administration! then with the Police Department in the Ptstrict of Columbia; then into techincal illustrating for the Bureau of Standards. In between, he was a book publisher in Prairie,-City, Illinois, Both of them are avid readers and have already explored the libraries in this area, John’s hobby is gour- |net cooking, Caletta’s latest interest in braiding rugs, and she would like to meet Someone else who has made them. She plays bridge, and John admits to being a 'duffer*' at golf. Besides Ann whom many of us know, they have another daughter who lives in Silver Spring, Md, have had reports of wounded seagulls dying on our beach because they had been shot and could not fly to search for food. We are sure that no Pine Knoll Shore resident Is responsible, but just for the record, this is a bird sanctuary. If you see anyone shooting birds, call our town police and let them handle it. TT(?o bits of information — first, if you need photocopies, there is a Xerox copier at our town hall. The charge for letter size copies is two for 250 and for legal size 150 each. Next, if you need to have something notarized, AILEEN ADAMS, our Town Clerk, is a Notary Public and will be glad to notarize things for you. BOGUE BANKS COUNTRY CLUB MEMBERSUll! Saturday. January ICth, the Club will have a social hour between 7 and 9 P«M. so that you can meet the nominees for Board of Directors, Appetizers will be served - there will be entertainment. Then - Friday, January l6th, general membership meeting, about 7:30 P.M, members will elect the new Board and hear reports of committee chaiiimien Finally, Saturday. January 17th, 8 to 12, a dance is scheduled. All members are welcome - no reservations needed, The Band will be - Light Blues, Call your club with any questions - 726-103^* —