Pine ?hore Line October 1976 '^^ CO): irSIOi'TER JIK PAMSEY died Friday morninr, *^eTtatpber 17, Pine ICnoll '-nors? lost one of its vioneer leaders* vTim had been a ccf'^issioner since the ToTrTn becapa a toT-m T*hen it voted to incorporate in 1973, and he t>ms reelectec. in our !rost recent election* Re will be reT^,er‘bsred, of course * for efficiency in his PKS iob, by the toxvTispeople, but he vill be lon^ cherished in tue nearts of his close friends for his pentlcness, his under^- stated, rarnificently tiried, and auiet himior. One of the ^roup, called t’^arirly by its Fiaybe a dozen or so ' FteDbersthe ‘ Beach ?uras", Jir? wars a familiar figure in that little circle of folks so frequently found closely nestled together in the sand at >'iiaosa Park Beach. Kno\m for the droll rejoinder, vhich was usually followed by a snail, airused snile, Jitnroy was a stron?? calnine Influence on the Board of Coirinissioners, often able to brinp a lifht touch to a diplomatically barren rioment.... '’^obart Louis Stevenson said: . ^ i ^1. . ^o Ion? as we love we serve*, so lon^ as we are* loved by others, I would alnost say that we are indispensable: and no nan is useless \>hile he has a friend,3 ^Tell, Jinry Tlaweey was loved all rirrht’ he had nany friends. He’ll niss hii’ a lot and renenber hir, with affection, COIJ^.IS.'ilCjTF^S rEETL^’G, S‘2pt.20, The corr-issioners approved a new trash and ?arba?;e ordinance as reconrended by Corrdssioner J^ansey. rarbacre containers are to be placed on the tcim right-of-^*jay no pore than twelve hours before pickup tine and are to be renoved within a twelve hour period folloTirinr; pickup. Garbage should be xrrqpped and placed in a container. PLASTIC 'iAOS are NOT considered containers. Animls tear into these5 causinr: prcblei'^s of litter. Trash such as boxes, brush, tree branches cut in 3 - 4 foot lenrrths i:rill be picked up if tied for handling. You can arran?.e throup,h the tot-Tn hall to have special lars^e iter^ piciced up, but this does not include buildin?, raterials since those should be disposed of by the contractor. Tovm Attorney Nelson Taylor advised that sunken containers should not be "Derritted because of liability to the town should an accident occur. Larry Jerore, planninc? board chairran, announced that Pobert Arnistron'^ and Dr. Sd ’■^amer are new nerbers of the town planning board. The Corr'ission- ers authorized Hayor Haller and toxim clerk ^'rs. Adar.c to execute an a'^ree- Ffint for funds to carry out our tovm's part in the Coastal I;anr,jyeT'snt Act. The I'i.C, Dept, of Nitural and Bconoric Resources allocated $200C and the tovTTi $1000 for this year’s inplanentation of the Act. At the Sept. 7 T^eetinr' the Corsa'iicsioners dedic^.ted th^» east end of Oakleaf Drive along the lots by Ifr. and Mrs. Gus "’ertz, and I^rs. Hubert Scott, Mr, and Mrs. Vernon Schruri, Hr, and I'rs. Gillian Christian, and Kr, and Hrs. Geor?e Jones. Conaissioner HcCulley announced that street repairs will be :nade in the fall. At a special r.setinf!: of the corTissioners on Sept.25, -^ayne Cleveland was appointed coririiissioner to fill the unexnired terr: of Jares Parasey, Co^nis- sioner Arthur F. Brotrne was elected '^ayor Pro Ten, A public reetino; on Septerrber 27 at the ^-arine Center heard the report of the coTnp.ittee on FIRE PROTECTION and PESCUE SOUAD. Mayor HaUer opened the Tneetinp whidi was then conducted by Pill P.obbins, Chairr/'ans and the torrittee rembers. Bill Uebele, Jack Goldstein, and Bill T^ueller. They presented plans which are the cuJ.nination of a year’s work. The comittee recornends that Pine Knoll Shores take over its own fire and rescue work at such tire as the tovm has a municipal center, fire and rescue eauip- rent, and a trained volunteer staff. They estirate that a buildinc; can be built and tjquipped for a yearly interest and aportization payn-ent approximtely the sa^'Ae as the payrents now mde to Atlantic "^veach for protection* The contract TA’ith Atlantic Beach will remin in effect until Pine Knoll Shores is fully ready to take over. A rrelii^inary survey showed that volunteers would include 25 ren between 20 and 35 years of ape, and nore than 80 from the retired j^roup. TJill Uebele has offered to start training volunteers, and CTI will be encourar;ed to offer a course. They already offer training; for rescue squad workers, the current course startinri; on October 4. Financin?> for buildine and equipinent could be secured throuj^h the FIA without precluding application for a direct ?:ovem~ pent grant. This was an informative !?eetinp to be followed by another public ireeting when definite costs are available. FolloTATinp- these reetinps, the proposition that Pine Knoll Shores have its own fire department and rescue squad will be subTrltted to the public in a referendum.

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