Page -3- DOES IT make you nervous when people leave their garbap;e cans out long after the garbage has been picked up, or put their not-tightly-covered bags out much too early, only to have the garbage strewn about by v/andering animals? For that matter, does it really annoy you v/hen those wandering animal's are your neighbors’ dogs, whose large feet kick up the dirt around your freshly planted seeds or seedlings? And are you v/orked up because., ap'pearing on some building sites, are illegally large commercial signs (and you’re already mad at the bull-dozer for chopping dovm too many trees!)? Are these things bothoring you, hmm.jmmm? ''•[ell, we all got together on the electric bill crisis and sent off a petition vjith more than ^00 signatures. Anyone for taking so^^ie stands on persuading our fellow PICS'ers and some of our local builders to OBEY OUR ORDINAKCES? How can we go about it? We aren’t sure, but v/e all begin to look a bit foolish if ordinances are not enforced. May as well take them off the "books". Incidentally, the County Commissioners have just passed a new one that says all', dog owners in the county must have their dogs wearing tags; if a dog is picked up running loose, the ov/ner must pay a .;jl2.50 fine, and if the dog is withou’t a tag, the fine is ^5*00 more. Maybe this will help PKS with its enforcement, HAPPENINGS AT THE tJ'iRIHE RESOURCES CEilTER: "The 200 Mile Limit" series will end on May 3 with Dr, HiHiam Kirbysmith, , Duke University Marine Lab presenting "Land Use and Continental Shelf EcologyV The program to start at 8 p.m. The Staff at the Center is enthusiastic about their v/eekend programs - Satur days the hours are 10 to 6 and a typical Saturday program: 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. films are presented in the Auditorium; 2:^0 Aquarium Feeding and 3 P*i^« Aquarium Talks. Sundays the hours are 1 to 3 with basically the sane format. Check the new Information Booth in the lobby as to the comings and goings. Dr, Ned Smith, Director, is most happy to report that more than 2300 students have visited the Center in April. We know hov/ gratifying this is to the entire Staff, AND v;ith the increased use, naturally volunteers would be most welcome. Many of the PKS residents have indicated their desire to help and now you can — two big needs are volunteers to keep the Library open and taking care of the Information Booth, This need is primarily for weekends - iust an hour or two will be appreciated. Drop by or call Ned Smith at 726-0121, A Coastal Craft Fair X'/ill be held May 21 and 22. Various arts and crafts will be presented by numerous exhibitors. Mark your calendar for this event. The First Annual Carteret County Nature Photo Contest will be sponsored by the Carteret County Arts Council and the H,C. Marine Resources Center, There will be cash prizes and other awards. Photos depicting plants, animals and natural scenes of Carteret County are eligible. Judging will be in 3 categories - 35 »im slides, color prints and black and white prints. The competition is open to all residents of Carteret County, Judging will take place on May 29 and the opening reception is Friday, June 3 7^30 P*i^t If you are interested in competing, gall 726-0121 or 726-8060. The whole aquarium area is a most fascinating spot to visit but did you know that The Lady Lobster recently hatched over a thousand eggs? No -- they are not up to their kne^s in Lobsters yet -- they are being nurtured at another location* N.C, Please pity this man from Pine Knoll, Big fish were his ultimate goal; So he surf-cast one day, Hooked a skate and a ray, And lost both his line and his pole! K. Haller