Town Holiday Party Returns See “Kramer’s Korner,” page 2 Youth Comer See page 5 Local Poet Recognized See page 20 Vol. 17, No. 12 A Shoreline Community, Pine Knoll Shores, N.C. December 2022 Angel Tree Project The Parks and Recreation Committee and Kayak for the Warriors will once again sponsor a virtual Angel Tree to benefit the children of our warriors. Re cipient families will be vetted by Hope For The Warriors, and with your dona tions, we will help them enjoy a happy Christmas. If you were not able to donate to our Angel Tree when you registered for the Turkey Trot, you may donate by writing a check. Your generous donation will be gladly accepted by December 9. A check made payable to Kayak for the Warriors with “Angel Tree” on the memo line can be placed in the drop box behind town hall or mailed to: Angel Tree, Town of Pine Knoll Shores, 100 Mu nicipal Circle, Pine Knoll Shores, NC 28512. Please contact B.J. Peter at 252-646-8079 with questions. The Parks and Recreation Committee thanks you for your continued support of this holiday project. Keeping Up With the Clerk By Charlie Rocci, Pine Knoll Shores Town Clerk Ken Jones Award, important January meeting December is a great time to reflect on the last year and the people who made it special. Around this time of year, the town likes to recognize community members who have made a positive impact in the community and celebrate them for their hard work. This year, we will continue with the third annual Ken Jones Public Service Award to commemorate his dedicated commitment to public service in Pine Knoll Shores. A potential winner of the Ken Jones Public Service Award will have a long history of dedicated service to Pine Knoll Shores. This person promotes strong communal values, such as professional excellence, civic engagement and community impact. Eligible persons are all residents, volunteers or employees of the Town of Pine Knoll Shores. If you believe someone to be a strong candidate for this award, please submit a form on their behalf highlighting their involvement with bettering the community. (Continued on page 31) Annual Clmstmas Caroling The tradition of sharing holiday cheer in Pine Knoll Shores through caroling will continue this year on December 11. Carolers will assemble at Garner Park at 4:45 p.m. and depart at 5 o’clock on pre-planned routes. A good voice is not a requirement, just a big heart with a desire to spread cheer, and children are encouraged to join in the fun. Participants should wear weather- appropriate clothing, embellished with Christmas gear, antlers, etc., and should bring bells and a flashlight. Let us know about those who would enjoy a visit from carolers by emailing Chris Voss at by December 3. Routes will be organized after this date, and no new names will be accepted after the 3rd. Please email Kathy Falandys Tilyard at katcoast@gmail.corn if you plan to carol or if you have questions. There will be an after party at the home of Susan and Tommy Toms. Please bring your favorite beverage and a goody to share. Standard Pre-Sort § 1 1 Permit #35 ^ felAt#*eh,NC 28512