• ^""SHORELINE Published by The Town of Pine Knoll Shores In The Interests Of Its Citizens Post Office Box 757, Atlantic Beach, N. C. 28512 Volume One - INiumber Seven March, 19^0 THAT WAS A V.Tien March literally blev/ into Pine Knoll Shores on March 1 and 2, along v/ith the rest of the state, of WEEK-ENDiI course, it turned out to be a little more than we had bargained for. In fact, that v/eek-end wall long be remembered as the time of the "Great Dixie Blizzard of I9SO". But Pine Knollers, being of sturdy stuff— while non-plussed for a time—managed to roll v/ith the punch and came up smiling. In spite of the paucity of snov/ shovels, snow plov/s, snow blowers—most of v/hich items had been left at the point of origin—v/e did cope v/ith the help of each other. The general impression on Saturday and Sunday v/as that we would have some ice and sleet and maybe a flurry of snov; or tv/o. Hov/ever, later on Sunday it was learned the storm was still coming I And come it did I By the time it stopped snowing and blowing early •Monday morning, streets v/ere virtually impassable and three-and four- foot drifts were common. V.Tien the power went off Sunday night, be cause of a multiplicity of storm problems for the power company, fireplaces, portable stoves, candles, lamps and lanterns became the rule of the day. Fortunately, three members of the fire department, Doug Williams, Joe Trembeczki and George Lott, had the foresight to get the small, four-wheel-drive fire truck out of the garage and parked in one of their driveways. Fortunately, too, there v/as only one fire call on Sunday afternoon—and none subsequently—v/hich was tapped out before the men were on the way. The police took care of that. Happily, also, crime was non-existent so the police could devote their attention to more pressing storm-related situations. Unfortu nately, the ambulance was immobilized by a huge drift, but the fire truck, after beating its viay up Salter Path Road, pulled it loose. TOWN OF PINE KNOLL SHORES Post Office Box 757 Atlantic Beach, N. C. 28512 Bulk Rate U. S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 1 Atlantic Beach, N. C. 28512