SHORE LINE published by The Town of Pine Knoll Shores In The Interests Of Its Citizens Post Office Box 757, Atlantic Beach, N. C. 28512 Volume III Number 2 October, 19^1 G. W. Eastland - Editor Lenora Roberson - Associate Editor DON’T FORGET TO On Tuesday, November 3, citizens of Pine Knoll Shores will have an opportunity to vote for three VOTE - NOVEMBER 31 members of the Board of Commissioners* Candidates this year include Wayne Cleveland, Jack Thompson and Gordon (Hoot) Gibson* Both Mr* Cleveland and Mr* Thompson are currently members and are running for re-election. Wayne Cleveland, presently serving as Mayor, has been a member of the Board for six years; Jack Thompson has been a member of the Board for four years and presently is serving as police commissioner* Gordon Gibson moved to Pine Knoll Shores in January 197^* The Gibsons ^me from Madison, New Jersey, where he had been an officer of AFIA in c^prge of world wide claim services for this insurance company* The Gibsons have three married children and three grandchildren* They live at 27k Oakleaf Drive* "Hoot" is an ambulance driver for the Rescue Squad, a member of the town Community Appearance Commission and a member of the Board of Directors of the Pine Knoll Association* He plays golf and sails and is a radio amateur* Also on the ballot this year will be a referendum permitting citizens to vote for, or against, serving liquor by the drink in Pine Knoll Shores establishments * Voting will be at the Town Hall * * * and citizens are urged to exercise their privilege of voting* Offices at Town Hall also will be open on that day. TOWN OF PINE KNOLL SHORES Post Office Box 757 Atlantic Beach, N. C. 28512 Bulk Rate U. S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 1 Atlantic Beach, N.C.28512