Volume III Number k December, 19^1 G. W. Eastland - Editor CLEVELAND ELECTED Wayne Cleveland was reelected mayor of Pine " ~ Knoll Shores and William Dixson was reelected MAYOR; OTHERS SWORN mayor pro tempore at the regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners on Tuesday, December S. At the same time the newly elected and reelected board members were sworn into office by Mary Austin, Clerk of Court, Carteret County. These were Mayor Cleveland, Jack Thompson, Commissioner of Police, and Gordon Gibson, who will be Commissioner of Streets and Public Property, succeeding Brad Smith who had opted not to run for reelection. Prior to the regular meeting of the Commissioners, a public hearing was held to consider changes in the Flood Plain Ordinance and the Town’s Sign Ordinance. Both were later approved by the Board of Commissioners. With respect to the Flood Plain Ordinance, certain changes were made to bring it into line with Federal and State laws; in connection with the changes in the Sign Ordinance, changes were made to permit the erection of directional signs on property under development and/or construction within certain limits. This is mainly to facilitate the delivery of building materials to the site and to designate the location of the project. In addition, the Board requires that "For Sale" signs be removed when the property has been sold, and further that such ’’For Sale” signs may not be erected on property unless a valid contract has been entered into by both the seller and the owner. In his report to the Board of Commissioners Mr. Dixson reported the town’s financial condition was stable and improving. He also reported that one taxpayer in Pine Knoll Shores had inadvertently paid his taxes twice, and the Board approved a resolution to refund the second payment. Commissioner Gibson reported that work on the Mimosa Bridge would commence shortly by the contractor and would be completed promptly.