• SHORE LINE Pubbshedby The Town of Pine Knoll Shores In The Interests Of Its Citizens Post Office Box 757, Atlantic Beach, N. C. 28512 ' Volume III Number 6 February, 19S2 G. W. Eastland - Editor FUBLIC hearing ••• On Tuesday, March 2, a public hearing will be held at the Town Hall for the purpose of receiving comments from the residents of the town concerning the development of some 25 acres east and north of the municipal property. It is proposed that limited density, single family residences of the cluster type be erected on the site. The property is located north of Ramsey Boulevard and bounded by the Sound, the municipal property and Ramsey Boulevard. All residents are urged to attend to make their views known so as to assist the Planning Board and the Board of Commissioners in making a decision. The date is Tuesday, March 2, at 7:30 p.m. DISASTER DEBRIS MUST At their regular February meeting the Board of Commissioners passed an ordinance requiring that property owners, whose ^ CIEAI'JED UP building has been damaged by fire or other disaster, are responsible for clearing the property promptly, or within ^P90 days, in the event restoration or reconstruction has not been started. If the property owner fails to remove the debris, the tom will arrange for its removal with the cost being assessed against the owner. Further, should the property owner fail to reimburse the town a lien will be placed against the property and will be collected as unpaid taxes. The or^ance does provide that any building materials that can be used in the reconstruction, in the judgment of the Building Inspector, may remain on the property. A copy of the ordinance is on file in the office of the Town Clerk. The Board^ of Commissioners also passed an ordinance forbidding the hunting and/or trapping of animals within the town limits, except for purposes of relocation. The ordinance prohibits hunting with firearms or bows and arrows or trapping by the use of steel traps or any device that can injure the animal. Permits for the trapping of animals^for relocation may be obtained from the Chief of Police of Pine Knoll Shores. Violation of the ordinance, and conviction, carries a fine of $50 or imprisonment not exceeding 30 days. The ordinance was effective February 9, 19S2. TOWN OF PINE KNOLL SHORES Post Office Box 757 Atlantic Beach, N. C. 28512 Bulk Rate U. S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 1 Atlantic Beach, N. C. 28512