SHORE LINE ublished by The Town of Pine Knoll Shores In The Interests Of Its Citizens Post Office Box 757, Atlantic Beach, N. C. 28512 Volume III Number 11 ' August, 19S2 G. W. Eastland - Editor A public meetING ... Has been scheduled for Wednesday, September 8, at 7:30 p.m., at the town hall to discuss the construction of a nev/ bridge over the canal between Ramsey Boulevard and Mimosa Boulevard. A plan has been submitted by the committee and the Board of Commissioners is anxious to obtain the input and sentiments of the citizens of Pine Knoll Shores to determine whether to proceed with the project. All citizens are urged to attend. GARBAGE CANS ... Must be removed from, the streets after they have been emptied, in accordance with an ordinance passed b}'' the Board of Commissioners some time ago. This applies to part- time residents as v/ell as permanent residents; and to facilitate • this and to prevent the eye-sore appearance of such containers, the Cominissioners, also some time ago, amended the ordinance to allow residents to place their trash and garbage in plastic bags for pick-up. Failure to observe this ordinance can result in a citation. If you are concerned about dogs or other animals tearing up the bag, pour about half cup of Clorox in and that should keep them away. ^ ijEW STREET LIGHTS At the regular monthly meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Pine Knoll Shores, held TO BE INSTALLED at the town hall on Tuesday, August 10, Commissioner Gibson reported that arrangements had been concluded with Carteret-Craven EMC for the installation of 21 new street lights on 13 streets in the town. The tov/n has been assured the installation of the lights will proceed promptly. The street where the new lights are to be installed are: Juniper, Yaupon, I7illow, Holly, Beechwood, Oakleaf, Hawthorne, Pecan Court, Teak Court, Lobloljy, Arborvitae, Ramsey Drive and Pine Knoll Boulevard. TOWN OF PINE KNOLL SHORES Post Office Box 757 Atlantic Beach, N. C. 28512 t1/M JACK GOLDSTEiN R-1/125 lOBlOLlY dr nOREHEAD CITYi NC 28557 AA Bulk Rate U. S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 1 Atlantic Beach, N. C. 28512 RETURN ADDRESS CORRECTION, REQUESTED.