-7- The next meeting will be held at the Beaufort House on June 8 at 11:30 a.m. This is Akhe yearly luncheon with the installation of officers, W LIBBY SCHLIMPER In October 1982 Pine Knoll Association, Inc, annoiinced through Shore Line that after December 1, 1982 no vehicle, exclusive of bicycles, should be parked on any real property owned by the Association unless such vehicle displays a then valid sticker authorized by the Association, It was announced at the same time that the PKS Police Department would be requested to assist in enforcing this prohibition. Parking space at the Association’s parks is limited, A rule designed to prevent parking by unauthorized persons is deemed PARKING essential. Now that the summer season is at hand, the association's board of IN THE directors, at a meeting held May 5» authorized this further warning, PARK Any vehicle parked on Association property, when failing to display the black and white sticker authorized by the association many months ago (neither a blue and white sticker nor a yellow sticker is satisfactory) will be subject to Police action. It is not difficult to comply with this rule. Members of the association may obtain stickers for themselves and their guests from association secretary, Elizabeth Ames (726-8397). Piksco Corporation members, who are also entitled to use the Pine Knoll Association facilities, can obtain a similar sticker from Piksco officials. The association urges all persons otherwise entitled to park in its areas to make absolutely certain that they and their guests display the proper sticker at all times. •As part of an effort to make certain that its parks are used by members only, PIKSCO s looking for a responsible person to supervise them. Anyone interested in this job — which is salaried and which involves being on duty weekends from Memorial to Labor Day — should contact Ted McCord at 726-0912. Folks who*ve visited the "Situm” recently came away admiring the improvements installed by a hard-working crew under the direction of Ed Peters, Their work involved building additional steps down to the beach — made necessary by terrific erosion during winter storms, laying a new floor on half of the "Situm,** building retaining walls AND around part of the parking lot and along part of tfee walkway and painting the THAT house. Those helping Ed included Ken Hanan, Bob Herbst, Grant Roper, Walt Wilkerson, Charles McGibbon, Tony Klepacki, "Shady" Jones, Luke Hargroves and Walter Kane, The volunteer program at the Marine Resources Center is being reactivated and needs helpers, both new and experienced, on some weekdays and weekend afternoons to assist with the hundreds of visitors who tour the center each day. An orientation meeting for volunteers will be held at the center at 7 p.m, Tuesday, May 31 for an explanation of duties and scheduling. For more information, call Mark Joyner, center education director, at 726-0121 or Lenoira Roberson, volunteer coordinator, at 726-2861, Calligraphic expert Jo Cox will stage an exhibit of her work at the Bogue Banks Marine Resources Center from June 2 through July 6, and will be honored in a reception at the center June 2 at 7 p.m. Jo says in preparation for her exhibit, which will feature calligraphy relating to ^l^ie sea, she has done a whole group of new pieces.