The SHORE LINE Published by The Town of Pine Knoll Shores In The Interests Of Its Citizens Post Office Box 757, Atlantic Beach, N. C. 28512 VOLUME IV - Numter 9 Ken Haller and Noel Yancey - Co-Editors June 1983 BIG CELEBRATION COMING UPt Monday, August 1, from 5 to 6 p.m. at the Town Hall - a champagne party in honor of a ten year old town!! U! Ml Y*all come to toast the town and toast the people. Throughout the week historical tidbits will be on display at the Town Hall, More about all this in July's issue, MARY DOLL At a public hearing held June 14 and at the Board of Commissioners meeting which followed, Commissioner Dixson presented a Budget for FY 83-84 which was later adopted and which can be inspected at the Town Hall, It provides for expenditures of some $428,000, jb assumes a total assessed value of property in the Town of $106,000,000, and it continues le tax rate of 190 per $100, of assessed value, A proposed revision of the Sign Ordinance was also discussed at the public hearing, Bd Baker and Mary Korff posed questions about, and presented problems with respect to, the PUBLIC HEARING ^ played by the Board of Adjustment in the administration of the Ordinance, The Board took no action on the proposed revision, needing more time for study. Representatives of the Town's motels were present to thank the Board for its cooperation in working with them and for its understanding of their special needs. Procedures under the Subdivision Ordinance constituted another subject of discussion at the public hearing. The problem involved changing preliminary plat approval, now given by the Planning Board, so as to involve the Board of Commissioners in the process before development has progressed beyond the point of no return. Subdivision of lots in certain instances and the designation of an administrator of the Subdivision Ordinance were other subjects which were discussed. Following the public hearing, the Board convened for its regular monthly meeting. Town Attorney Ken Kirkman reported on pending litigation. The Board agreed that if it be shown that there are continued violations of Ordinances prohibiting deposits of material in the canal, the Town Attorney is authorized to take necessary legal action to enforce the Ordinances, AND COMMISSIONERS MEETING TOWN OF PINE KNOLL SHOP Post Office Box 757 Atlantic Beach, N. C. 28512 GOLDSTEIN JACK H 125 LOBLOLLY DR RT 1 PKS MOREHEAD CITY,N C Bulk Rate J. S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 1 Atlantic Beach, N. C. 28512