-4- "This brings us to the next things garbage. Residents nay need to be readnded thi^^ it Bustn't be left out overnight unless it*s in an aniioal proof container, not only beca^P of dogs that sees to run free* but because there are also hungry raccoons sloilking in readiness for every opportunity •'* **Incidentally, if it's at all possible, garbage cans ought not be visible fron the street, and it seeas there are garbage container structures on the Town right of nay in front of soae houses. This is possibly just a aisunderstanding hy people who are earnestly trying to iaprove the appearance of their property, and, if the law is explained to thea, they aay willingly move the structures,** The Comittee suggests that the Town further consider how to enforce the law pro hibiting vehicles on the beach in Pine Knoll Shores. They keep mysteriously appearing,** **The two drainage pipes, approxisately 18 inches in diaaeter, which protrude through the recently installed bulkheads into the canal along Arborvitae, create an unsightly appearance. They could be cut off and finished like the one at the Minosa Bridge,*' **Most condoniaiua groups have their own property owners' associations, and we suggest that these associations should be in closer touch with each other so that, together, they could cooperate in aaking property appearance decisions that are sinilar and would bring all of them closer in spirit, and would help them to know what they expect from themselves and from the rest of the groups," "Wouldn't it be an improvement if the Town could encourage the Public Utilities to place the lines underground? Meanwhile, we caution cable companies in laying undergroud lines to be careful of the trees and shrubs ,** **Two signs bothered us as we drove through the Towns **The first was the sign at Ocean Bay Villas, just inside the Town limits, near IndH^^ Beach, There are too many lighted arrows, etc. If one is coming into Pine Knoll Shores, this sign is the first thing he sees as he enters the Town, **The other sign seen on that end is the crudely lettered "Family Center" sign on the Episcopal property. Surely, however, this will chan^ when their plans have been approved and work begins on that project,,,,,," oOo - - - - - The PKS Planning Board has assigned to Gil Millington the task of planning community actions for an orderly recovery from the effects of a potential disaster that could devas* tate a major portion of our town, Althou^ applicable to any type of disaster, the plan is DISASTER PLAN focused on the possibility of hurricandamage, Gil has been working on — the plan with the cooperation of Police Commissioner Jack Thompson and BBmG DRAFTED Chief BcL Crawford | Building Inspector Bill Ballantinei and the present and former directors of civil preparedness, Andy McN^ly, Alan Mit chell, and Bob KcAnaw, Mayor Ken Haller provided policy guidance. Shortly after the work started, federal and state funds were made available to coastal counties and towns for development of coordinated disaster plans that cover a broader scope than the original Post-disaster Recovery Plan, The contract for preparation of basic plans for Carteret County and its participating coastal towns was awarded to George Eichler and Associates of Atlanta, Ga, Craig Root, Mr, Eichler's partner, has been performing research and preparing draft plans during the past ten months. The plw should be completed in June, The disaster plan will update earlier plans for evacuation of hurricane and flood prone areas and assignment of storm shelters. New portions of the plan include long rano^ actions to mitigate, or lessen the effect of a hurricane on homes, buildings, and other structures by controlling fut\ire construction. However, Pine Knoll Shores is better prepared than most coastad towns in this respect, due to the enforcement of its land Use