SHORE LINE ubhshed by The Town of Pine Knoll Shores In The Interests Of Its Citizens Post Office Box 757, Atlantic Beach, N. C. 28512 VOLUME VI - Number 2 ^ February I985 Noel Yancey - Editor Joan Dawson - Associate Sditor By a unanimoi^ vote, the PKS Town Board has cleared the way for developers Cliff Jr and Boland Britt of Raleigh to begin „ork on the n,u=h-deteteninaSu Village shopping ““ter. The developers are expected to begin work soon and hope to MALL PLANS center will consist of eight buildines OKAYED BY pT+h 124,000 square feet of space on a 25-acre tract at the Salter — J Boulevard intersection. A crowd of 120 persons jammed the TOWN BOARD auditorium for the meeting on February 12, h»arvi a ^ motion by Commissioner Fred Libby after dlvidtftL S. arguments by backers and foes of the project which has sharply In making the motion to approve the developers' site plan, Libby said it "meets all criteria required by the zoning ordinance ind thus should be approved." The vote on the site plan came after the board had approved motions by Libby to raise the maximum height restriction on the site from 35 to 50 feet and to reduce the number of parking spaces required from 529 to 458. Only Commissioner Ken Hanan voted against the motion to raise the height restric tion. However, he joined the other commissioners in approving the change in parking spaces and in approving the site plan. After the board had approved the site plan, Town Attorney Ken Kirkman read a letter from the Raleigh firm of Harris & Coggins, attorneys for the developers. It enclosed a deed conveying to the town approximately 9 of the 10 acres at the rear of the center site. However, the deed was conditioned on (1) Approval of the site plan, (2) Issuance of a building permit for the center, and (3) On the condition that no litigation being filed by any party "which would substantially delay construction of the facility during I985 or which would add significantly to the development costs of the center by reason of legal fees and expenses. After reading the letter, Kirkman praised the board saying it had done "an extraordinary job" in persuading the developers to give it 8 or 9 acres of land that i;^ "had no legal basis for preventing the development of," TOWN OF PINE KNOLL SHORES Route 3 - Pine Knoll Blvd. Pine Knoll Shores-MHC, NC Bulk Rate U. S. POSTAGE PAID 28557 Permit #22 Morehead City, NC 28557