*. Page -2- - Th# fixs't desons'trsL'tion beg&n when Fred Libby a.l.e]rted the group th&'t a MLS in trouble in the heavy surf. Rescuers grabbed the equipaent and headed for John RESCUE BQUIFMBNT Shedd who was Indeed waving sadly and calling for help* Ken Hanan donned the life vest and proceeded out with the surf board. Charles DEMOMSTRATED Hamaond had the life ring while Fred McCall held the line. But it was Pete Peterson (Ah, YouthI) who got there first with the torpedo and his father carefully guided thea in with the line attached ~ a very inportant part of the rescue procedure. To rush it, is dangerovis. Asked how he felt when he found hiaself in trouble out there, Shedd said that he could see the rescuers coaing and he had the utmost confidence ttat he would be saved1 The Petenons then explained to the group the coaparative aerits of the devices. The ring is difficult to pull through the water and soaetiaes difficult to throw against the wind. It is best for rescues close to shore. The torpedo is easier to carry out and is useful because it has a harness attached to it, allowing the rescuer to use his aras freely to swia out to the victia. The surf boaird is the best when the victia is far froa shore because it is 'Uie easiest to aove over the water. Points that were eaphasized: Have soaeone call the Rescue Squad while you are atteapting to save the victia. Have soaeone on shore to orchestrate the rescue. Have concern for the rescuer: you cannot help scnnebody if you are not safe yoiurself, The victia is very likely agitated. Speak calaly to hia and reassure hia so that he does not panic and endanger you both. Proffer the rescue device for hia to grab but try to stay out of reach yoinrself. Gil Millington, representing the Rescue Squad, gave advice on what to do once victia is safely on shore. Once again it was eaphasized that the Rescue Squad should b^^^ call«d, Coaplications can develop when the person is unconscioxis, amid if the person has no pulse it is iaportant to lose no time in starting GPR, He urged eveiyorbto lean the procedure, Millingtm also warned the group to stay away froa the Portuguese aan-of-war, identified by the purple "tent** floating above the water. It can have tentacles 50 feet long behind it. If stung, the best treataent is to apply a aixture of 2 parts water and 1 part aaaonia to the affected area. A bottle of this preparation is available in the equipaent shed beside the steps. In severe cases call the Rescue Squad. It was then noticed that two swiaaers were in difficulty at the s«ute tiae. Fred Libby was out too far and was waving his arms while Tiffany Garrett (Oi aore youthI) could be seen frantically waving for help froa another direction. The rescuers were quick to respond — but for sone reason they all headed in the direction of Tiffany, She was "saved** by Ken l&nan with the surf board, (He*s the nayor, after all). By the way, has anybody seen Fred lately? ♦ IMPORTANT * ♦ Joan Libby and Gil Millington, certified teachers of the CPR procedure, will set * ♦ up a class whenever there are at leeist 6 people ready to take it. We urge you to * ♦ take advantage of this opportunity. It takes only ^ hours of your tiae. Get your * ♦ group together and give one of thea a call. You'll be glad you did, ♦ The next aeeting for the PKS Food Co-op will be Wednesday, June 26 at 2i00 p,a,( at Town Hall, Get you orders together —• Delivery will be July 13,