SHORE LINE I ■ I mi ■ Mi ■ ■■■■■ I I Published by The Town of Pine Knoll Shores In The Interests Of Its Citizens Post Office Box 757, Atlantic Beach, N. C. 28512 Town Hall: 247-4353 Emergency Phones: Police: 728-3772 Fire & Rescue: 728-4111 VOLUME VII - Number 7 July 1986 Mary Korff - Editor The Commissioners held a special meeting on June 30th to consider the plat plan of Coral Ridge, proposed condominium in Beacon’s Reach. Approval was granted. COMMISSIONERS At the regular meeting, July 8th, the Commissioners voted an amendment to the budget of some $3000. for repair of patrol car, at the request t*^EET of Commissioner Johnson. Commissioner Shedd reported that spraying for mosquitoes has now begun. Nothing was said at the meeting about how he and Ken Hanan became certified applicators so that spraying could begin but Shore Line heard that they studied the material supplied them all the way to Fayetteville only to find none of it on the test. They passed it anyway! Shedd also reported that work on flood control is moving along. However, before any thing can be done there must be a CAMA permit and that is being prepared. ^ There were 9 rescue calls, 142 police calls and 1 brush fire. The Building Inspector issued two major permits, 10 minor permits and 7 certificates of occupancy. All this happened in June. Charles Gibson was appointed Police Corporal. The Commissioners voted to begin legal proceedings to have the sales office trailer removed at Ocean Bay Villas. Three proposed ordinances were considered. The change in minimum house size from 1000 sq. ft. to 1350 sq. ft. was approved but amended to allow those now in existence to be rebuilt at the original size - even if below the minimum - if destroyed. No action was taken to limit overnight parking. The proposal concerning requirement of porous materials in driveways was tabled until the state requirements are established later this month. Conditional approval was given to Doug Fleming for his proposed mo'tel provided the needed permits from the Land Use Plan, CAMA and Waste Water Disposal Authority is obtained. Mayor Hanan mentioned the presence of gypsy moths in the town, mostly along Oakleaf Drive. The state is presently doing a study but nothing can be done at the present time. TOWN OF PINE KNOLL SHORES. N.C. Route 3 - Pine Knoll Blvd. m/m jack goldstein Pine Knoll Shores-MHC, N. C. box 9 28&57 salter path nc 20575 IHORE LINE AC BULK RATE U.S.POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 22 MOnEHEAD CITY, N.C. 28557