1 SHORE LINE Published by The Town of Pine Knoll Shores In The Interests Of Its Citizens Post Office Box 757, Atlantic Beach, N. C. 28512 _ Town Hall: 247-4353 Emergency Phones: Police: 728-3772 Fire & Rescue: 728-4111 VOLUME IX September 1988 Mary Korff - Editor COMMISSIONERS MEET Mayor Hanan opened the September meeting with a presentation of the ADJ^CED LAW ENFORCEMENT CERTIFICATE to Cpl. Charles Gibson, of our Police Department. This is the highest professional certificate awarded by the N, C. Criminal Education and Training Standards Commission. The award must be earned by obtaining the specified hours of training and relevant education as well as obtaining the necessary experience. Our congratulations to Cpl. Gibson. You do us proud! Reports indicated 17% of revenues collected and 14+% of expenditures disbursed in August. Tax collection to date is 13%. Commissioner Roderick reports that road resurfacing is finished for now. Chances are there will be a campaign to get your favorite pothole fixed in the near future so be ready with your selection. Trees have been trimmed at intersections; water has been installed at the plantings and the overflow collar at the drain on Beechwood and Sycamore has been raised. Although the road to the Aquarium is not the responsibility of the town, Evan has had many complaints and has written the State about it. Meanwhile e and Andy Turney have personally fixed some of the worst of the potholes. Apparently the State can't do it very soon because of red tape e.g. "Whose jurisdiction is it. Commissioner Shedd reported on the Planning Board meeting which is covered l^ter in this issue. The Building Inspection report showed 4 residential permits issued in August, 7 miscellaneous permits and 5 Certificates of Occupancy. Shedd requested that public hearings be set up to consider the changes in the zoning ordinance to permit the Wildlife Center, the 25% structural coverage limit and the Re combination of lots—all of which have been recommended by the Planning Board. Commissioner Sotir reported 17 emergency rescue calls and 2 requested the adoption of a proclamation declaring the week of Septei^r 18 24 as E^ week [which was done] and requested residents to make some gesture of appreciation to the Rescue Squad members during that time. TOWN OF PINE KNOLL SHORES, N.C Route 3 - Municipal Circle Pine Knoll Shores, NC 28557 The SHORE LINE BULK RATE U.S.POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 22 MOnEHEAD CITY, N.C. 28S87