, SHORE LINE Published by The Town of Pine Knoll Shores In The Interests Of Its Citizens Town Hall: 247-4353 Emergency Phones: Police: 728-3772 Fire & Rescue: 728-4111 VOLUME IX - Number 11 November 1988 Mary Korff - Editor TOWN BOARD POSTPONES MEETING At press time the Commissioners had not held their monthly meeting because the regular day fell on Election Day. It was postponed to November 15th. An account of the November meeting will appear in the December issue. Some reports were available, however. The building inspector's report shows 3 residential permits issued, 1 commer cial and 1 miscellaneous. There was 1 certificate of occupancy. The police answered 117 calls in October and made 212 house checks. There were 16 breathalyzer tests. They assisted on two fire calls and 8 rescue calls. IMPORTANT DATES IN DECEMBER It is not too soon to think about the Town sponsored holiday events coming up in December. The Town CHRISTMAS PARADE will be held on Saturday, December 17th starting at 2:00 p.m. OPEN HOUSE at the To\vti Hall will be on a different day this year. It will not be connected with the parade. Rather it will be held on THURSDAY December 22nd at 3:00 p.m. Come see the decorations and enjoy the refreshments with your neighbors. VIAL OF LIFE PROGRAM The Pine Knoll Shores Rescue Squad is updating its VIAL OF LIFE program designed to save lives in the event the patient cannot communicate pertinent medical information. This information can be documented on a single form, indicating allergies, special medi cation in use, medical history and the name and phone number of the patient's doctor. The form is to be rolled up and inserted in a plastic vial which in turn can be taped to a shelf in the patient's refrigerator. All townspeople are urged to avail themselves of the VIAL OF LIFE. Forms and vials are available at the Town Hall. Please pick up your vial, fill it in and place it in your refrigerator. The Rescue Squad will check in the refrigerator for the Vial of Life information if a person is found unconscious or otherwise unable to communicate. JERRY MICHAEL TOWN OF PINE KNOLL SHORES, N.C Route 3 - Municipal Circle Pine Knoll Shores, NC 28557 ”” SHORE LINE BULK RATE U.S.POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 22 MOFEHEAO CITY, N.C. 28S57