SHORE LINE Published by The Town of Pine Knoll Shores In The Interests Of Its Citizens Town Hall; 247-4353 Emergency Phones: Police: 728-3772 Fire & Rescue: 728-4111 VOLUME - Number 6 June 1989 Mary Korff - Editor Robert Ruggierio - Assistant Editor COMMISSIONERS MEET A Public Hearing was scheduled in June to discuss proposed changes in the zoning ordinance. Two of the changes involved making the requirements for single family homes the same in MF-2 zones as they are in R-1. Another ordinance concerned a change in wording by deleting "plus the width of any contiguous utility easement" in reference to setbacks. There were no comments on these proposals. The proposed change to page 2157 of the code, was meant to clarify the ordinance which deals with property divided by a street. The proposal says that each side must be considered independently for the purposes of density restrictions, limitations of land utilization [including requirements as to open spaces, limitation of parking coverage, and limitation building coverage] and all setback requirements. This was questioned. The Attorney for the Yancey Corp., which owns and plans to develop property on both sides of Salter Path rd. stated that his client felt that it did not give them enough flexibility. They believe that as far as land utilization is concerned, each side should be treated • as a single project. They argue that the section which allows the commissioners to approve or disapprove the site plan covers the town and allows them to prevent a blatant misuse of property. In the meeting of the Commissioners which followed. Commissioner Shedd presented these changes for adoption. The first t\\fo were adopted but the one concerning land use of property divided by a street or highway was tabled for further study. BUDGET HEARING A budget hearing followed. The only line item questioned at this time was the one for a second siren to be installed on Country Club property to serve the north end of town. Joe Henyecz, former chairman of Civil Preparedness, felt that the system set up to notify the citizens of the need to evacuate etc., was efficient and there was no need of a backup. It was pointed out by Mayor Hanan that this siren is also important to fire men. In both cases it would be a backup to the systems now working, and situations requiring such a backup can be envisioned. Art Bro\me requested a change in the proposed assessment to 11 cents per hundred dollars of evaluation. Such a reduction he demonstrated, would allow us to realize $296,000 from ad valorem taxes as opposed to the $350,000 the proposed budgd: calls for. TOWN OF PINE KNOLL SHORES, N.C. Route 3 - Municipal Circle Pine Knoll Shores, NC 28557 ^HORE LINE BULK RATE U.S.POST AOE PAID PERMIT NO. 22 MOICHEAD CITY, N.C. 28557