Page - 5 - down here for their vacation so that they could visit with her. Through • mutual friends they got in touch with Harry and Libby Schlimper who helped them locate a place to stay and then showed them around Pine Knoll Shores when they became interested in retiring here. They bought a lot but weren't quite sure what they wanted to build so they decided to buy this house and live in it for a while until they were really sure just what they wanted to build. Both Patti and Charlie are great sports fans.All sports. They met the Duke Basketball team when Sharon was there and they have been avid Duke fans since then. They’ve been sports participants, too. Patti had been a figure roller-skating champion before she was married and Charlie ran a couple of marathons--yes , all the way to the finish line--before arthritis set in an put a stop to that. They intend to play golf, play tennis, ride bicycles and loll on the beach the way retirees are supposed to do--as soon as they find the time. MARY KORFF Ready, Waiting, Looking Forward! These words describe a recent Pine Knoll Shores addition -- meet Jan and David Griffith and their eleven-year old grey poodle, Simone. The "ready" began in 1976 when the Pittsburgh natives vacationed with friends at Pine Knoll Townes. After several more summer visits, they became "hooked" on our area. Coincidentally, as their friends had a canal lot for sale, a deal was struck and plans for building began. Therefore, In October 1990 the "waiting" began as they moved to Bea cons Reach, enabling them to oversee the construction of their airy, spacious • home on Arborvitae Drive. Work was completed in March 1991, allowing them to move in an begin "settling-in", adding the personal touches that change a house into a home. These personal touches are evident throughout their warm, inviting abode, thanks to their combined skills. There are exquisite counted-cross- stitch pictures, needlepoint cushions and quilted pieces done by Jan, along with the skillfully designed cabenetry by David, one piece in particular being a cleverly designed revolving spice rack with room for 50 spices, should that many be available! These skills and hobbies have long been a part of their lives, with Jan having helped manage a Pittsburgh boutique, the Thread Shed, for 11 years prior to this move. Likewise, Dave has always had access to a work shop in which to do his thing, a practice continuing in this home as he equips his garage area workspace, meanwhile branching out into electronics with the construction of a radio-controlled airplane, which has led him to the Morehead Radio-Controlled Airplane Club thanks to Barbara and Dale Marks . The electronics hobby interest is a natural offshoot of his career as an electronics engineer at U.S.Steel until 1980, when he took early retirement. Also, here some 29 years ago, he hired a pert and pretty secre tary who charmed him [or did he charm her?] until they were wed, for a long-time compatible marriage. After retirement, David still pursued electronics through several years of teaching at Pittsburgh Institute of Aeronautics, followed'by 3 ^^^years of part-time teaching, at Boys’ Community College in Pittsburgh.