ANCIENT MARINERS After a two week layoff for the holidays, we resumed bowling on January Bth with the ladies showing their stuff! Jennie Roselle had a nice 191 and Peg Anderson followed with an equally nice 183. Rene Ingram threw a super 202 and Karolyn Cleveland came through with 180 to top things off. The men were also throwing excellent games. Bob Gallo had a 225, Dick Perkins a 220 and Les Scarpone a 202! There has been a small change in the standings. Capt. Bob Whitmore' team is still first, Capt. Ray Szypulski's team is now second while Capt. Dick Perkins' team is in third place. We have almost three months of bowling ahead so these standings may change down the road. Meanwhile we put them to the test with a position round on January 13th and then gave everybody a chance to relax with a cocktail party on January 14th. FREO KORFF OUR NEW NEIGHBORS Gene and Sue Walsh are tucked into their new house in the woods on Oakleaf Drive. They are native Bayport, Long Islanders, although, as a Korean War draftee, Gene was stationed at Ft. Lewis, Washington, where he and Sue were married. They loved Washington, but were drawn back home to family and lived on Long Island until their move to PKS. In 1990 they directed and produced weddings for three of their daughters. That must have been an exhausting year, folks, and besides that, their son was married the next year. Their 4th daughter [there are five kids in all and they were all here for Christmas to check on their parents' new surroundings!] lives in Alaska and manages the Juneau office of a Coeur d'Alene, Idaho gold mining company. As a matter of fact, another daughter and husband live in Juneau, too,and the Walshes will be visiting them and a new baby this summer. Then there's the daughter in Atlanta who is a film producer - she did a commercial in which she needed fresh cherries, finally found a farmer in Wisconsin who sent some, but still needed to hang them on a clothesline and spray paint them a brighte red for the cameras. Gene, who now plays golf as often as he can, was, until his retire ment, the General Manager of the Meenan Oil Co. in Long Island, and still does some consulting for them; however, he's finding that less and less interesting as he falls into the splendid way of living here. MARY DOLL In a bright and light new home on Walnut Circle, John and Jeanne Mays are happily back near the sea and near golf, a combination which pleases them no end. When asked whether he was a golfer, John replied thoughtfully, "Well, I've got a set of clubs." Anyway, he's out there on the course a lot. With John and Jeanne is Georgia, a teeny tiny dachshund who is a darling little greeter of guests. Although they grew up in Virginia, the Mayses had lived for 20 years in Louisville, Kentucky where John was involved in the management of Dairymen, Inc. and where Jeanne was an E1ectrocepha 1ography Technician. She said she had learned to do what we lay people call brain wave testing in her youth and went back to it after their kids were grown. She also plays the piano [the real thing Mozart, etc!] and has taken up tennis again after a long pause.