Volume XIII issue #10 NOVEMBER 1992 Bon't fet tl)c taRe o8x>antage of -you Because ^ou are afone. Bexwtre of Scams. If it sounSs too goo6 to fie true, it's too goo5 to fie true Editor's Comer Have a Beautiful Did You Know? The Budget for FY 82-83 was $396,221 The Budget for FY 92-93 is $895,408 The population in 1982 was 723 The population in 1992 is 1,367 Wayne P. Cleveland was Mayor in 1982 Happy IHaiioween Hello Again! Can you believe that it is 9 weeks until Christmas! On Sunday, October 25 at 2:00 AM, turn the clocks back! We gain an hour. On October 31, we'll have little ghosts and goblins visiting our homes, please watch out for them. Remember to do your patriotic duty on November 3rd. We have a wonderful right given to us by our forefathers and we don't cherish it. VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! On November 11, we honor our Veterans, those who died and those still living. To these wonderful people, we say thank you from the bottom of our hearts. On Novenfiber 26, it's Turiey day! Wouldn't it be wonderful if the weather was like last year - 80° The deadline for articles for the December Shoreline will be Thursday, November 12. Have a wonderful Fall, see you next rrxjnth. Sincerely, PKS • Christmas Parade! A First! PKS is planning a parade, bands, etc. Anyone interested in helping to organize this endeavor, please call 247-3666. We Welcome You! Teddy Wimberley, Co-ordinator PKS Rescue EMS Chief Keep tiie Town Clean! Tlianl you for tiie Big Sweep! Dear Editors Peirce: The ’Big Sweep" held on September 19, 1992, for Pine Knoll Shores was a big success thanks to seventeen hard-working residents. Thirty (30) bags of trash were collected; iterris to be recycled were separated and properly disposed of; tires, large pieces of lumber and thousands of cigarette butts were removed from our beaches. My heartfelt 'Thanks' to the following people and to nfiy husband, Bili, for a JOB WELL DONE: Joy Amico, Fred Hannuia, Paul & Mary Heim, Kim Leguillow, Nancy Marshall, Jerry and iVjarge Michael, Helen Morris, Gerry Preye, Lenora Roberson, Lois & Bili Strube, Patti & Charlie Swetz, Doris & Harvey Varner Sincerely, Judy Poit P.S. We certainly could have used some addtional volunteers to make the job a little easier. Smr Senior Ifears Can. Be Golden, nofbrass lim*re gettinf older, but yaa. are also getting betted