THE SHORELINE PUBUSHED BY THE TOWN OF PINE KNOLL SHORES IN THE INTERESTS OF ITS CmZENS TOWN HALL: 247-4353 EMERGENCY PHONE; POLICE: 911 FIRE AND EMERGENCY MEPICAL : 911 VOLUME V - ISSUE NO. 8 AUGUST 1993 TOWN OF PINE KNOLL SHORES BULK RATE 100 MUNICIPAL CIRCLE • POSTAGE PAID PINE KNOLL SHORES NC 28512 PERMIT # 22 MOREHEAD CITY NC 28557 ®THIS ISSUE OP THE SHORELINE IS DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF JIM PIERCE, EDITOR, JUNE, 1992 - JUNE, 1993. TOWN BOARD MEETING JULY 13. 1993 David Hasulak, Commissioner of Emergency Services, announced the retirement of Gil Millington from the Emergency Medical Squad where he had been a member for thirteen years.Gil maintained the communications equipment. He also produced the first Directory for the Squad, and served as Training Officer, writing procedures that ultimately led to his development of the Town's first Disaster and Recovery Plan. This plan was one of the first of its kind in the nation. Gil reluctantly leaves the Squad urging others in town volunteer for this rewarding ^Prperience. Others who have left the Squad this year are:Chuck and Lily Zaminer, Max Heilman, A1 Van Essendelft, A1 Schmidt and Ben Rogers. The Town owes a debt of gratitude to its volunteers. EMERGENCY SOUAD DRIVER TRAINING Beginning on September 23, Tuesday and _ Thursday evenings, ambulance driver training will be offered at Town Hall. Volunteers are needed both as EMT's and as drivers. Call Emergency Medical Squad Chief Teddy Wimberley at 247-3666, Bart Sheard at 247-7411 or Commissioner Dave Hasulak at 247-6491, for details. WE NEED YOU I VACANCIES In September, the Planning Board,^ Board of Adjustment and Community Appearance Commission will have several vacancies that need to be filled. Please be a volunteer and send a brief resume to Mayor Kanyha for consideration for appointment by the Board of Commissioners. Regular scheduled meetings _ are held each month for these important Boards which serve as advisory groups to the Commissioners, helping to develop policy and direction for growth and the management of the Town.