Published - Town Of Pine Knoll Shores In The Interest Of Its Citizens Fire and Rescue 911 AUGUST 1994 Town Hall 247-4353 YOn^RE INVITED On August 9, 1994, following the Board of Commissioners meeting everyone is invited for a tour of the renovations that have been completed of the Administrative offices. We look forward to seeing you! JULY BOARD OF CGMMIggTOlims MEETIMG PUBLIC HEARING Following public input at the public hearing on July 12, the Board of •ommissioners voted to keep the ordinance on the use of temporary toilet acilities as it is. The Town Ordinance allows a temporary privy be provided by building contractors for the convenience of workmen on each building site where no other rostrxim facilities exists. The portable privy may not be placed on the town right-of-way and it must be removed prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. The Board of Commissioners instructed Town Attorney Kirkman to draft language for consideration by the Planning Board concerning the point of measurement for building setbacks on ocean front lots; Town - toe of dune; CAMA - line of stable vegetation. Because definitions by CAMA and the Town differ, an effort will be made to coordinate the two designations to make enforcement by the inspector and compliance by the builder, easier. Another concern to be addressed is the period in which the established point of measurement is valid. Once the survey of the lot is done, several months can go by before the house is designed and the contract for construction awarded. Erosion can make a great difference in that time. New construction location in coordination with existing houses can be covered by a caveat. TOWN HALL PARKING LOT After much study and advice from experts, the Board of Commissioners voted to proceed with the plan and type of lighting as recommended by Commissioner Kanyha to install lights throughout the parking area at the Town Hall. POLICE DEPT. Commissioner Musgrave announced that Dominica Claude Gottuso, formerly a reserve officer, has been employed full time, enabling the Town to have two ^^fficers on duty during the night shift. His position on the reserve team ^^as been filled by Christine Stricter. With increased traffic and more part time owners in residence, this extra coverage will make a difference.