Shoreline PiMithtd by th* Town of PUm KnoU Sk0ru in tkt tntmit of lu OMxmt Town Hall 247-4353 APRIL 1995 Fire and Rescue 911 we AEmBcmiE The Pine KnoU Shores Fire DepartmEnt Job veil done at Ocean Glen!!!! MARCH BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETING C. AOUAKIUK Following the public hearing, the Board of Commissioners asked Town Attorney Ken Kirkman to draft the appropriate language for an ordinance to allow food service at the Aquarium. WATER COMPANY After much time and effort on the part of the Water Committee, the Board of Commissioners will begin positive steps to build a water system or negotiate the purchase of the Pine Knoll Shores water system from Carolina Water Service. SECURITY AI.ARM SYSTEM ORDINANCE A new Security Alarm System Ordinance that allows police to disconnect any audible alarm which signals the second false alarm was adopted by the Board of Commissioners. Civil fines will be imposed after the second false alarm. BUDGET WORK SESSION At a Budget Work Session on Thursday, the review of projected revenues for FY 95-96 indicate that the Town can hold the tax rate to .21 per $100 of valuation unless a dramatic change occurs between now and July l. CONGRATULATIONS!!1 Code Enforcement Officer Roy Brownlow has received his Certificate as ^^evel III Electrical Inspector.