77 T¥ November, 1995 Monday’^ L Tuesday ' Wednesday „ Thursday Friday Saturday 1:00 PM OCEAN GROVE WEST HOA GARBAGE DAY 77 9:30 AM PK ASSOC BD GARBAGE DAY GARBAGE DAY 77 GARBAGE DAY 7 ELECTION DAY JJ 1:00 PM SAFETY COMM. 2:00 PM PKS BD OF COMM MTG 7:00 PM PIKSCO BD 77 75 YARD WASTE ClubBd. I 9:30 AM Garden Club 9:30 AM WOMEN'S CLUB 9:00 AM COMMU NITY APP COMM 2:30 PM PLAN NING BOARD Thanksgiving TOWN HALL CLOSED RECYCLE The Pine Knoll Shores Emergency Medical Service Squad Meets Regularly the First and Third Monday at 7:00 PM. The Pine Knoll Shores Fire Department Meets Every Second, Third and Fourth Monday at 7:00 PM. (Deadline for Articles for the Shoreline Is Friday Following the Town Board Meeting - November 17. P/ease Note Dates for Regular Garbage and Recycling Collections in the Calendar.