^Shoreline Published by the Town of Pine Knoll Shores in the Interest of its Citi7P.m Town Hall 247-4353 Fax 247-4355 JUNE 1996 ''^Flre and Rescue 911 /^O n-e Qa/hlS^i - HURRICANE AWARENESS MEETING Meet our Emergency Management Team at the Aquarium WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12 at 7:30 p.m* MAY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETING 1996-97 BUDGET The proposed 1996-97 budget was presented to the Board of Commissioners at the regularly scheduled Board meeting on May 14, 1996. The new budget proposes that the tax rate remain at 21 cents per 100 dollars of evaluation. This proposed budget, as required by law, is on display in the office of the Town Clerk during regular business hours through June 11, 1996. The budget hearing is scheduled for June 11, 1996, at 2:00 p.m. Any person who wishes to be heard on the budget may appear. MOSQUITO SPRAYING Beginning the first Thursday in June, mosquito spraying will begin at 5:00 a.m. throughout the Town. This spraying will continue each Thursday morning thereafter. If it rains on that day, the spraying will take place on Friday. TOWN ATTORNEY & AUDITOR The Board of Commissioners approved contracts for FY 1996-97 for Auditor G. Lee Carroll and for the law firm of Kirkman & Whitford. WATER REPORT The ad hoc Water Committee will be meeting with Atlantic Beach on or about May 28, 1996, to discuss water options.