Published by the Town of Pine Knoll Shores in the Interest of its Citizens October, 1999 Town Hall 247-4353 CANDIDATES NIGHT Town Hall Tues, Oct 12^ 7 PM MODERATOR Mr. Fred McCall AGENDA 1. Each candidate allocated 5 minutes for opening remarks. 2. Open forum - questions from floor to individual candidates. 3. Each candidate will have 2 minutes for closing remarks. 4. Adjourn - Please vote Tuesday, November 2"**. September Board of Commissioners Meeting A Public Hearing There will be a public hearing Innmedlately prior to the October 12^^ Board of Commissioners meeting to discuss changes to the Town ordinances regarding size of docks permitted in the canal, trailers used as storage units, and prohibiting the parking of vehicles on public street rights of way. Goodbye Dennis Why call an evacuation when Dennis Returned? Decisions regarding evacuation are made at a meeting of the Mayors, Police, Emergency Management, School Officials, etc, held by the county. At that meeting all the latest facts regarding the storm and its future path are presented. After much discussion the Mayors vote. In the case of Dennis I, the storm was projected to remain off shore with winds no greater than a nor easter no evacuation was ordered. Dennis II projections Indicated that the eye would pass over Morehead City with potential of Increased winds as it reached shore. The biggest concern was that the ground was so wet that the potential for trees coming down was great. A voluntary evacuation was ordered. Inside this edition 2 ' Planning Board / C.A.C. / B.O.A./ Women's dub ^ Po\\Q.eDe'pt... I E.HS-Food for Thought 4 ^NasX.elx\6usXx\es Special Bulk Collection 4 BB Public Library/NC Aquarium 5 Garden Club 6 Meet Your New Neighbors 7 October Monthly Planner Correction: The PKS Planning Board meets the 4^*^ Tuesday of each month at 3:00 p.m. If you are interested in applying for a position on the Board of Adjustment, Planning Board or Community Appearance Commission contact Ronda at Town Hall for an application.