PKS Police Dept. Where's the Chief? 1 ^ * Congratulations to Sergeant Ethan Hazard and his wife, Pat on the birth of their second son "Logan". All is well on the home front -just a little less sleep for everyone! On a sad note we send our heart felt sympathy to Reserve Officer Kerry Curtis and his family on the death of his father "Bill" Curtis. Bill was a constant source of a smile and a pat on the back for this department. I don't thinl I ever saw Bill when he wasn't smiling. His wife Kathryn and their family are in our thoughts. Unfortunately we had another case of a rabid raccoon in PKS. This one bit a dog on Holly Road and chased several residents. Luckily the dog was up-to-date on his shots and only had to receive a booster shot. After a lengthy "chase" the raccoon was finally located in the wooded area near Hwy. 58 and Laurel Court. Animal control officer Jim Earp did report the next day that the animal had tested positive. PLEASE remember to keep your pets' shots up-to-date and report any raccoons that flp are acting in a suspicious manner. Also, please remember NOT TO FEED these raccoons! Totals for the year 2000 are as follows: II Calls: 2849 ^ Arrests: 80 - resulting in 200 charges m Domestics: 18 II Citations: 397 (492 charges) ^ Warnings: 237 Civil D sorders/fights: 18 S Property Checks: 4051 Assist fIre/rescue: 159 Town Ordinance violations: 38 ^ Missing persons/runaways: 8 55 Accidents: 25 W Felony drug arrests: 29 Misd. Drug arrests: 27 Is Arson: 4 H Breaking and Entering & Larcenies: 51 S Aggravated assaults: 5 (2 involved officers) S Rape: 1 S DWIs: 47 H Weapons Violations: 5 (CCW, convicted felons w/ weapon, poss. of stolen firearm, etc. - these weapons were discovered on the perpetrator. 1 weapon discovered in vehicle during vehicle stop. The Chief will be taking a 2 week vacation (?) and trying to summit the almost 20000' Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa! ]an 7 Depart USA for Nairobi, Kenya Jan 8 in transit via Europe ]an 9 Arrive Nairobi. Meet climbing team. • ]an 10 Shuttle to Arusha, Tanzania. Final gear checks. • Jan 11 Climb begins in the rainforest. Climb approximately 5 hours to reach 9000' (Machame Camp) • Jan 12 Climb through the moor lands Into Shira Plateau. Spend the night at Shira Camp (12,300') • Jan 13 Short day - trying to acclimatize. Climb to 15,000' and then we will cross a technical portion "Breach Wall" and drop back to 12,800' to sleep at Great Barranco. • Jan 14 Climb up and over Great Barranco, topping out at 14,500' before dropping again to sleep at 12,800'. We also encounter the largest ice and rock faces in Africa, "The Icicle". • Jan 15 Climb 6 hours and only go about 3000' to reach our high camp at 15,700'. This is the Barafu Hut camp. We check gear, again, and prepare for summit day which starts at 0200 hours (Ray, that's 2:00 in the morning)! • Jan 16 This is it summit day! We awake at midnight and prepare (recheck gear, lines etc.). We leave wearing our headlamps until the predawn light reflects off the African Plains. We cross the technical portion at the crater's rim, traverse along this rim to the main summit, Uhuru Peak at almost 20,000'. From here we go to the Bismarck Towers, rock pinnacles along the crater's rim and the hanging Reb Glaciers. • After we enjoy the summit we descend to Cosolo pack camp and traverse down the Mweka route to the southern side of the mountain. We set camp at Mweka. • Jan 17 we continue "down" - summit day is LONG - 8 hours up and 6 down. We make camp and up early for the last of our adventure. Back in Arusha. Jan 18 Hopefully, I'm heading back to the USA! Jan 19 Back home! Submitted by: Police Chief Mary l^lulilig