Published by the Town of Pine Knoll Shores in the Interest of its Citizens June, 2002 Fire and Rescue 911 To the readers of the Shoreline: I am sorry to inform you that due to the difficult budget constraints the town is facing, we will eliminate the printing and mailing of the Shoreline to you. This is the last issue. Currently, it costs the town $16,000 per year to print and mail the Shoreline. We know that many of you will be greatly disappointed and may even be upset with the decision. However, as I have indicated we are facing a very difficult budget crunch. We have made other provisions for you to receive the information contained in the Shoreline. You can, if you wish, use our web site and get this same information. In addition, we are increasing the amount of coverage we get in the Island Review. Between these two methods you will get all of the information on the town's business that is currently published in the Shoreline. As a final note, the $16,000 we currently spend to publish the Shoreline covers only 49% of the property owners in Pine Knoll Shores. If we were to send it to all property owners, it would cost $32,000. The suggestion to eliminate the Shoreline was by far the one mentioned most by those individuals who wrote or called me, as one of the ways to reduce our anticipated budget increase. I and the Board of Commissioners wish to express our regrets for having to take this action. Robert F. Gallo, Mayor Town web site: Email address: admin(3) Inside this edition 2 1 Board of Commissioners IMeetiiH 3 II Modifications to the ^ffiftiet 4 ~ll Police De^ / Sduad 65 / Fire 5 CAC / PB1 Women's Club 6 ~~lt Garden Club / Ins. ComlBrison relative to ISO 7 nfAncient Mariners / Libraiv 8 1 Muarium 9-10 ~ll Flood Insurance 11 1 Calendar PLEASE BE ADVISED Beginning on July 1®*, the year-round schedule for Garbage Pickup will be every Monday, Recycling Pickup every other Thursday Yard Waste Pickup the last Tuesday of each month. Town Hall will be closed Monday, May 27*’’ in observance of Memorial Day.