Around Town By Bob Ruggiero A grand tour left Pme Knoli Shores May 7 to Ireland SereS^vSsRSS d neighbors on a trip planned by Agnes Murphy and Sean McGovern of Accent Travel (see accompanying pictoes if you can find a non-Irish name in the group). After landing in Dublin n c! n ^ Causeway with a spectacular view of Scotland. On a visit to Bushmills D.s illery they were treated to a wee drop of the distillery’s finest, after which several members ed a lot during lunch. The visits included a visit to Ulster Folk Park, the Cliffs of Hohr and a catamaran cruise along a fjord in Kill Bay on the Dingle Peninsular. Part of the tour included visits to the mandatory sites at Killarney, Blarney and Co rk. Paulette Murphy tells S'thftrip thaS^^^ 7 the culmination or tne trip that all of the vacationers will long remember. * * ❖ ^ * * * * * ^ Elaine and Tom Tempel became involved with rose gardening when a dinner guest brought a vase of roses and said that the lovely roses came from her garden. Roses are extremely difficult to grow at the beach due to the salt spray and sandy soil. Tom and Elaine were so intrigued by the idea of growing their own roses that they contacted the Witherspoon Rose Culture Company in Durham, a company that has been in business a rose catalogue. They purchased 20 bushes with 11 different varieties and six knockout roses with small flowers that are suitable for decorating purposes. They planted the beds on the canal side of their property for the benefit of boaters motoring on the canal. The Witherspoon Company has provided soil preparation, a water system extension, mulching, weekly insect spraying, fertilizing, and pruning and lime treatment to the soil. si„cel95l,™eco„,pa„,agreed,ocheckon. t1 l^ElL'e prde„i„8a„d.hisyear.heyhaveex,;,re„Z tor rose growing. An area was agreed upon fuller plants and a wonderful assortment of and the couple chose various rose plants from colorful flowers ***** * ores. Betty Lee showed up at a Women’s Club meeting and renewed old friendships Betty Lee was involved with the Women’s Club and served on their board in various c^iS including club president. Nice to see the Foulks again. Paul Pylko one of the directors of Pine Knoll Association applied for a grant that has been awarded each year since 1966 North Carolina Beautiful, a non-profit environmental organization. WRAL TV and 101.5 FM in Raleigh have sponsored this celebration of the annual azaleas promotion. The organization has awarded more than 196, 000 plants to * * * ^ * July 2006 The Shoreline Page 9 2650 non-profit organizations, in its 20- year history. The Pine Knoll Association received 50 one-galloon azaleas, which were planted by Paul and his wife Leslie at Brock Basin and Davis Landing. In addition to planting these pink and white flowers, the couple maintains and weeds the lovely plants. Congratulations to both Paul and Leslie for their contributions to keeping Pine Knoll Shores beautiful. * * Hs * ^ The Christmans and the Wrays recently returned from a river cruise from St. Petersburg to Moscow and a side trip to Kiev in the Ukraine. In addition to the fabulous palaces and cathedrals, the highlight of the trip was a home- hosted dinner in the city of Petrosovodsk. This was a wonderful experience as the daughter and her friend, both first year university students, spokeexcellentEnglish andeveryone was able to communicate. With good food, conversation and vodka they were all sorry to see the evening come to an end. Elizabeth Bagby Agnew, daughter of J.B and Barbara Bagby residents of McGinnis Point, graduated from Philadelphia College of Obstetric medicine on June 4. Elizabeth and husband John will reside in Greensboro, where she will at Moses H.Cone Memorial Hospital interning in internal medicine. Congratulations to daughter Elizabeth and parents J.B. and Barbara. wm niH FIRST COAST REALTY II m rfoRLD . 'i-." Atlantic Beach 252-247-5150 800-972-8899 Emerald Isle 252-354-3928 252-354-7231 email; SALES PROPERTY MANAGEMENT