Page 20 The Shoreline May 2008 MON WED ' Garbage pick-up • Garden Club Bd. Mtg. 9:30am ' Garbage pick-up ' PKA Mtg. 9:30am ' Fire/EMS Mtg. 7pm 10 ' BOG Mtg. 10:00am 1 1 • Garden Club Mtg. 9:30am 12 ’ Recycle Pick Up 13 1 • Recycle Pick Up 2 3 4 5 • Garbage pick-up 6 7 • Garden Club Bd. Mtg. 9:30am 8 • Town Citizen Mtg 7pm • Yard Waste Pick Up 9 10 1 1 Mother's D«y 12 • Garbage pick-up • PKA Mtg. 9:30am • Fire/EMS Mtg. 7pm 13 • BOC Mtg. 10am 14 • Garden Club Mtg. 9:30am 15 • Recycle Pick Up 16 • PKS Women's Club Bd. Mtg. 9am 17 18 19 • Garbage pick-up Vk.tort9 Day CCart*l«} 20 • RAC Mtg. 9:30am • PIKSCO Mtg. 5pm 21 • CAC Mtg. 9:00am 22 23 • PKS Women's Club Mtg. 9:30am 24 25 26 Town Hall CLOSED • Garbage pick-up M«morLai Day 27 • Plaiming_Bd. Mtg. 2pm 28 29 • Recycle Pick Up • Yard Waste Pick Up 30 31 14 The calendar of events page is sponsored by... 320 Salter Path Rd„ Suite Y • Pine Knoll Shores, NC 28512 OfBce:(252)727-5000 • ToU Free(800)605-8598 • Fax:(252)727-5027 • Home:(252)726-9879