Page 6 The Shoreline June 2008 K R A M E R’ S Q A monthly Report % by Town Managei Brian Kramer E on events R in town. Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Budget- We are close to completing the budget plan for the next fiscal year, which begins on July 1, 2008. By the time you are reading this, the proposed budget will be on our website, and on display at the Town Hall as well as the Library. I suggest that you read it and voice your opinions at the Public Hearing at 7 p.m. June 10, at Town Hall Sonny Cunningham (this public hearing is coincident with our monthly board meeting). July hoard meetings are in the evening- Board meetings in June Qune 10) and July (July 8) are at 7 p.m. We'll take a look at continuing this if we think it will allow more citizens to attend. Day-to-day management of the water company- Effective May 15 we assumed management of the water company. Sonny Cunningham, who many of you know as the system operator employed by Carolina Water, is now working for PKS. His number for water system emergencies: Working hours: 252-247-4353, ext 26 After-hours: 252-723-0055. Water Bills- In light of the above, most of you will be sending your bills here to town hall. You also have the option of coming to townhall and paying at the front desk. For those of you who have paid in the past via automatic bank draft, please call Connie Shelton, our billing clerk, at 252-247-4353, ext 12, with questions. Hiring a New town Auditor- We have sent out requests for proposals to several municipal CPA's in the area. We will interview/select in June. The CPA we select will review our financial records for the fiscal year ending June 30 2008. Kayak Race- We had a successful inaugural event on May 17 (see the accompanying article). Next year's race is being discussed already. Initial thoughts are that the race might be better if the route is through the PKS canal (the wind was wicked last week). Mimosa Bridge Replacement- Since my last mentioning of this project, the DOT has inspected the bridge and determined that it must be replaced. We are awaiting a decision on the need to raise the height of the bridge for vessel traffic. We are also being asked to arrange for a pedestrian footbridge during construction. Recycle bins at Beach Access points- We will soon have recycle bins at the Iron Steamer and Memorial Park Beach Accesses. '^anks%uiCi>e.ifS UCENSE #55551 • Custom Homes • Porches • Additions • Condo & Home Remodeling • Painting • Ceramic Tile Residential & Commercial Pine Knoll Shores Resident Since 1987 JOE FURTHER GENERAL CONTRACTOR Ceil 252-725-9244 The Garden Club By Clare Winslow A picnic held at the marina in Brock Basin was the setting for the May 14 meeting of the PKS Garden Club. Amidst the windy, tornado-laden turbulence rampaging across the eastern states. Mother Nature smiled on us and supplied a glorious sunny day. Scrumptious chicken salad croissants and delicious side dishes prepared by the members such as with watering the three new dogwood trees planted on Arbor Day to honor the memories of three deceased garden club members. Librarian Helvi Larson reminded members that Pine Knoll Shores resident Patty Swetz had donated five gardening books to the club to add to its resource library, which is available to all members. Donna Belanger remind^ the club of the necessity of- setting a workshop date in May or June for members to gather to create Christmas ornaments for display in the library during July. Ecology chairman Joan Smith urged members to save lint from their dryers to aid birds building their nests, not only during the early spring nesting season but also “Ati meti all ifenf e^mstfuciUn netis' grape-strawberry cream salad, broccoli-potato salad, cole slaw, jello fruit compote, caponata (eggplant casserole), deviled eggs, and homemade brownies and chocolate chip cookies made for a most congenial gathering. Vice President Kay Howe presided in the absence of President Barbara Williams and welcomed a guest, Brenda Winslow, daughter-in-law of Clare Winslow. Brenda and her husband, Robert are relocating here from Albuquerque, New Mexico. Mayor Joan Lamson, the board of commissioners and the staff of the Town of Pine Knoll Shores presented the garden club with a letter of appreciation for the many hours of work members put into grooming the town's nine public gardens, especially the Hereth Garden in front of town hall. Second Vice President Carol McVitty announced that club members had toiled at weeding, fertilizing and pruning the town's public gardens for a total of 44 hours during the month of March. Plans to continue this work were made, and workers were scheduled to meet at Roosevelt Boulevard on May 15 and May 28. Mrs. McVitty, also Arbor Day chairman, sought help from members throughout the summer for the second nesting season. She suggested taking the lint outside and placing it in a high tree branch so a mama bird can easily see it. Mrs. Smith passed around a bird's nest from her yard so all could see the soft, snuggly nest lining created by a mama bird from the dryer lint. On June 11 the annual luncheon and installation of new officers will be held at 11:30 at the Coral Bay Club. New officers to be installed are as follows; Carol McVitty, president; Lois Jean O'Keefe, first vice president; Helvi Larson, second vice president; Mary Hudak, corresponding secretary; Yvette Bannen, recording secretary; and Sheryl Woodbury, treasurer. After the June meeting the club will adjourn for the summer and meet again in September. Visitors and guests are always welcome to attend garden club meetings.