March 2010 • Vol. 6, No. 09 A Shoreline Community, Pine Knoll Shores, N.C. Town Hall 247-4353 It All Started In Arendal, Norway By Richard C. Seale Let it Snow On rare occasions Mother Nature provides Pine Knoll Shores with a scenic wonder when we receive a blanket of snow bringing amazing beauty to our community. Last month was an example. Those of us at The Shoreline were the benefactors of some of that beauty captured in photos. Since the next opportunity to share this phenomenon will not come soon we have included more scenic photos (on page 9) than usual. In a vintage 1920's Norwegian photo Ingeborg Nilsen is pictured with children, left to right, Nellie, Astrid and Grace Bob Ruggiero of The Shoreline staff has been after me for some time now to try to put together an article about the lives of my mother Nellie Nilsen Seale and my aunt, Astrid Nilsen Norman. My mother celebrated her 94* birthday on November 8, 2009. I am not allowed to tell Astrid's age, but I'll say she is younger—by a year. Together these two have a combined history not far off two hundred years. How to cover that amount of time and number of experiences in one article is nigh unto impossible, but here goes a try. Both were born in Arendal, Norway, a shipping and timber center in southeast Norway, just north of Kristianstad. In summertime, hardy Norwegians actually swim there in the waters of Oslo Fjord. Both of their parents had legally immigrated to America Continued on page 4 Standard Pre-Sort Permit #35 Atlantic Beach, NC 28512 Deadline for April issue is Friday March 19. Deadline for May issue is Fridaij April 23. Articles always