No Summer Break for Recycling By Sarah Williams It’s been an interesting spring so far. Just this morning I was scraping frost off my windshield and taking sheets off of my plants. As I type this for the May edition of The Shoreline, I am dreaming of warmer days and being outside and on the water. There is an excitement in the air that goes along with friends and family coming to visit and going on outdoor excursions. It is important to be mindful of the beautiful outdoor spaces we have been blessed with, not just in Pine Knoll Shores but around the county. When you’re out on the beach or on the boat, separating trash and recycling can be just as easy as if you were in your kitchen. As you pack for your day out, remember to pack a couple of trash bags. Designate a bag for trash and a bag for recycling. When you get back to land, you can toss the trash bags straight into the garbage can. There is a catch when it comes to recycling, though, and it will take a litde effort on your part. Plastic bags are not allowed in the recycling containers, so you’ll have to empty your recycling contents into the proper recycling container and then dispose of the plastic bag. Plastic bags jam the machines at the recycling plant, and your local grocery store often has a place to collect plastic bags for recycling. Consider using a paper bag so that everything can be tossed into the recycling container, paper bag and all. We are so lucky to have an ocean and the intracoastal waterway for our backyard. We should all do our part to preserve it and keep it clean—not just for future human generations but for the abundant sea and wildlife that we enjoy as well. cJCctUett Oil. L^cJxu^ce^ WORKSHOP Many older adults experience concerns about falling and, as a result, restrict their activities. “A Matter of Balance” is an award-winning program designed to help participants learn to manage falls and increase activity levels. Classes mil begin on JUNE 1, 2016 and will be held WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS 2 P.M. - 4 P.M. at the PINE KNOLL SHORES TOWN HALL Registration is required and space is limited. For more information or to register, contact: Mary Dixon at 247-2626 Sessions conducted by Carteret County Senior Services Sponsored by the Age-Friendly Advisory Committee Ancient Mariners Wrap-Up By Charlie McBriarty One of Pine Knoll Shores’ longest standing organizations, the Ancient Mariners Bowling League, wrapped up its 42nd consecutive season on March 31 with the league’s traditional banquet at the Clam Digger Inn. As usual, the banquet featured heavy hors d’oeuvres, open bar and distribution of prize money to bowlers achieving noteworthy levels of expertise during the 2015-2016 season. The banquet also gave attendees an opportunity to swap tales of feats achieved or imagined during the season just completed. Of course, the distribution of prize money has always been a highlight of the evening. A special thanks was paid to Jack Doyle for his weekly hawking for the 50/50 raffle, which helps make these awards possible. This year there was cash for seven team awards, including: • First Place: Team CJR (Cherie Burshem, Steve Inman, Wally Lawrence and Jack Doyle) • Second Place: Team Tri-Harders (Paul Pylko, Tom McKnight and Sue Myers) • Third Place: Team Ready to Bowl (Kim Myers, Diane Thomas and Clark Edwards) • High Scratch Series: Team CJR (Cherie Burshem, Steve Inman and Wally Lawrence) • High Scratch Game: Team Catch-ups (Tom Martynowski, Kay McKnight and Sam Shipman) • High Handicap Series: Team Marksmen (Mike Bednarz, Gwen Dorsett and Bob Slater) • High Handicap Game: Team Ready to Bowl (Kim Myers, Diane Thomas and Clark Edwards) Twelve individual cash awards also were identified, including: • Highest Average, Men: Sam Shipman, 201 • Highest Average, Women: Pauline Shipman, 154 • High Scratch Series, Men: Sam Shipman • High Scratch Series, Women: Edna Tart • High Scratch Game, Men: Ron Boyce • High Scratch Game, Women: Pauline Shipman • High Handicap Series, Men: James Allmand • High Handicap Series, Women: Sandy Moore • High Handicap Game, Men: Buddy Thomas • High Handicap Game, Women: Carolyn Slater • Most Improved, Men: Clark Edwards • Most Improved, Women: Janice Ghelli League officers for the 2016-2017 bowling season also were corralled during the banquet: President Mike Bednarz, Vice President Carolyn Slater, Secretary Bill Dorsett and Treasurer Bill Knecht. This outstanding slate of officers stands ready to ensure the continuation of the fun and excitement experienced by members throughout the rich history of the league. They are very interested in recruiting potential bowlers for the upcoming season, which will get underway in mid-September. Skill level is not a factor in becoming a member of this group of bowlers. If you and your friends are interested in having a good time with a friendly group of people during those dreary Mondays between September and March, contact one of the officers or send an email to League Secretary Bill Dorsett at VISION AND MISSION STATEMENT Our vision is to provide a quality environment in which all residents and visitors are safe and secure, where individual talents flourish and everyone enjoys the natural resources of our area. It is the mission of the Town of Pine Knoll Shores to provide for the safety and well-being of all residents and visitors in an efficient and well-organized manner, and to develop and implement plans for the continuous improvement of the town, its services and its beach, and to encourage the participation of residents in service to the town and community. May 2016 I The Shoreline 11