Artie Miller is a familiar sight in Pine Knoll Shores as he travels our streets on his trusty bike—and his longevity and love of life are a testament to an active lifestyle. Friends and neighbors gathered at The Country Club of the Crystal Coast in December to celebrate Artie’s 95th birthday. He is pictured here with is sister-in-law, Lorraine Herrmann, and seems pleased to be the reason for the party. The clever birthday cake is the handiwork of Donna Belanger. Happy Belated Birthday, ArWe.—Photo by Kathy Werle 0m Dan Law’s name is often seen in photo credits in The Shoreline, but we rarely see a photo of him. This shot was captured at the Pine Knoll Shores Blue Star Memorial dedication in November while Dan was out giving of his time and talent taking pictures of town activities.—P/)oto by Michael Ferneau Worth a second look This unusual cloud formation over the ocean was captured on January 11 by Pine Knoll Shores resident and photographer John Partin. According to a meteorologist, this formation is in all likelihood a thick fog caused by cold air above the relatively warm water of the Gulf Stream. Even with a logical explanation, the photo is still spectacular. A quick internet search for photos of the Alps produced several images very similar to the one shown here. Anyone who saw this first hand was indeed lucky—and we extend special thanks to John for sharing it with us for publication in The Shoreline. $800 $1400 ^ ^ I. ' We still need your help to refurbish our ^ We are more than halfway to our first goal for new playground equipment for Garner Park. We would like to be able to install a new set in early March. Please contact Leann Sanders (PARC Committee) at 989-615-2725 or with any questions or to make your donation today. Your children and grandchllden will thank you! February 2017 I The Shoreline 15