:: Pine Knoll Shores Commissioners meeting By Paige Gillespie The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners was held on April 12 at town hall. AU commissioners were present. There were 69 members of the public in attendance. Mayor Jones announced the Kayak for the Warriors Beach Run and Fun Run/Walk will be May 27, 2017. The mayor also presented a proclamation declaring May 20-26 as National Safe Boating Week in the waters around Pine Knoll Shores. During the first public comment session, more than 20 people spoke on several topics. Town Manager Brian Kramer reported on several items; • Scott Sherrill will be leaving the area; Mr. Kramer commended him on the outstanding job he has done for the town. • The developer of the parcel at Highway 58 and Pine Knoll Boulevard has amended his request for rezoning the property from CZR (conditional zone residential) to R2 (residential). No detailed plans have been submitted. • The tree removal project by Carteret-Craven Electric Cooperative (CCEC) along Highway 58 continues. The project will be finished or halted by Memorial Day and resumed in the fall. • The town is committed to weigh in on Senate Bill 126 dealing with the distribution of local sales and use tax. Please see “Mayors Memo” in this issue of The Shoreline for details. • The town is tracking House Bill 340 regarding the Fire Fighter Separation Allowance. • Crosswalks: DOT is still looking into lowering the speed limit. The small pedestrian signs have been received but not installed. All low light areas have been identified and two new poles may be needed. Police Chief Ryan Tliompson has submitted a request to be included in the states “Watch 4 Me” safety campaign. 3,000 pamphlets have been purchased. • The dedication of the new flagpole for the Public Safety Building likely will be associated with Memorial Day or Flag Day. Finance Officer Julie Anderson congratulated Town Clerk Sarah Williams for completing the Municipal and County Administration course at UNC-Chapel Hills School of Government. Town Clerk Sarah Williams reported that Waste Management has requested that residents clearly mark their recycling containers to avoid any confusion since both trash and recycling are picked up on the same day. Stickers are available at town hall. Bulk and white goods pick up will be Monday, May 15. Items may be put out with trash. Public Services Director Sonny Cunningham reported that the new employee is Working out well. The yard waste truck is back in good working order. Building Inspector Jim Taylor reported that he is working on two major landscaping plans and that the country club is looking to make improvements. Fire Chief Jason Baker reported that an application for the department to become paramedic certified has been submitted to the state. Police Chief Thompson commended those involved with the Community Outreach event. He reported that a rabies clinic would be held in the fire bay on Saturday, May 13, with Carteret Animal Hospital. Town Planner Scott Sherrill reported that the tree diameter ordinance is close to being determined. He is recommending reapplying for funding for the sidewalk segment between the Public Safety Building and Pelican Drive East and submitting an application for the Hampton Inn to Juniper segment. The Unified Development Ordinance has been referred to a subcommittee. Rezoning of the parcel at Highway 58 and Pine Knoll Boulevard will be addressed at the April 25 Planning Board meeting. Strategic Planning Committee Chair John Halada reported that the committee is participating in a resiliency evaluation program with the Division of Coastal Management and an asset mapping project. Commissioner Edwards reminded everyone to please not flush medications down the toilet as water quality is severely impacted. There is a box at the police station to dispose of medications. Under unfinished business. Town Manager Kramer reported that a new dock ordinance is being finalized and would be presented to the board at the April 26 meeting. Under new business. Chief Thompson requested that specific street names be stricken from Right of Way Ordinance 50-A, which was approved unanimously. Commissioner Brodman reported that the PARC survey is being finalized and that suggestions are welcome. During the second public comment session, nine people spoke on several issues. The next Board of Commissioners meeting will be Wednesday, May 10, at 6 p.m. at town hall. The full minutes of Board of Commissioners meetings are included in the agenda packets that are publicly available through the calendar on the town website (townofpks.cdm) and are sent out via email prior to the next months regular board meeting. If you have questions about access to the minutes, contact Town Clerk Sarah Williams at 247-4353, ext. 13. Puzzle Solutions 2 9 1 5 7 4 8 6 3 7 8 6 2 3 9 5 4 1 5 3 4 6 8 1 9 7 2 4 1 9 3 5 7 2 8 6 8 6 5 4 9 2 1 3 7 3 7 2 1 6 8 4 5 9 1 2 8 7 4 3 6 9 5 9 5 3 8 1 6 7 2 4 6 4 7 9 2 5 3 1 8 p 0 L E sHa A G A V eHr C R I E rHg T E R R AGO C E D O T E T T A L 0 S S 0 R E o B A L L A E L F I N ^JN _E_| J^_U_|T E S T FRY A G H A s T F 0 G E A H- A B I A N T >■ E G A D P 0 E R U S E E A S v| s E E R 1 F E A R 1 A R S E 1 R A P T 1 S T 1 R D 1 0 C Y A G W H 0 s 0 T R A P E C R U D A 1 S A T 1 0 N D R 0 N E L U T E S vj E A S T Wealth Management THE FREEDOM TO LIVE INSPIRED HOW CONFIDENT ARE YOU IN YOUR FINANCIAL FUTURE? 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