V! mi MAKING THE ROUNDS LFTOURTBAM Tips From the internet B!LL JOHNSON OWNER TmCARSOF YOUR WATER PROBLEMS WflUOHNSON SERVICE MANAGER SPRIMG SPECIAL $39.95 RANDAL WATERS SERVICE TECHNICIAN INSPECT AND ADJUST ANY BRAND WATER SOFTENER Mention this DANIEL DICK ROUTE TECH ad and get fWOFREE BAGS OF SALT w^ter(^r^ Ak We Make WiSiit/ Good STEPHANIE HARVEY RECEniONISr Visit us today at www.softwatersolutionsilc.com Cail today & SWITCH YOUR SERVICES TO SOFT WATER 4911-B Office: ExJ. • Morehead City 3220^011: 252J25J464 2S2.725.1940 20 The Shoreline I July 2017 Emails make the rounds with all sorts of strange, interesting and sometimes useless information. This list of tips for PC users recently landed in the email box of one of our editors. While there is no guarantee of accuracy, some of these may prove useful. In addition, some of these may not work in all versions of Windows. ’ If you download a PDF file and notice that it ends in “exe,” delete it. Its possible that it is a virus. ’ Highlight a section of text in a Microsoft Word document and hit Shift/F3 to toggle between initial caps, all caps and all lowercase. If you want to copy text from the internet or from an email, paste it into your document by right clicking on your mouse and select the “A” paste option. This will cause the text to paste in the style of the text you already have in your document. A quick “undo” command that works in most Windows software is Ctrl/z. This is especially helpful if you accidentally delete a block of text and want it back. Another good thing about this feature: it has a memory so you can undo more than one action. This works in Gmail and may work in other email applications as well. If you want to undo the Ctrl/z action, just hit Ctrl/y and the undo will be undone. When opening a website, you don’t need the http// or www. part of the address. Just type the base of the name (townofpks.com) and your website will open. If you accidentally close a website that you haven’t yet finished with, you can reopen it by hitting Ctrl/Shift/t. This function also has a memory and you can open the last several tabs that you closed. One caution: if you completely close your browser, this function will not work. You can quickly move through the fields on a website (as in when you are filling in your mailing address when placing an order) by hitting your Tab key. If you want to back up a field, hit Shift/Tab. To increase the size of the text on a website, hit Ctrl/+. To reduce the size of the text, hit Ctrl/-. When you are finished, go back to the normal view by hitting Ctrl/0 (that’s a zero, not the letter “o”). Press the F5 key to refresh or reload a web page. The F5 key will also refresh a folder on your computer. Programs located on the task bar can be opened with a keyboard shortcut. Each icon is assigned a number, counting from the left side of the taskbar. The first program is assigned number 1, the second 2, all the way up to the tenth, which is assigned the number zero. To open a program by number, press the Windows keyboard key and hit the corresponding number for that program. Remember •.. Cardboard is recyclable and should not be placed in the trash. Break boxes down flat and stack them next to or inside your recycle bin, or you may take them directly to the special cardboard bin behind town hall or in Lot C by the fire station. Important fact: Because it’s heavy, we pay extra when cardboard ends up in the trash; when it’s in the recycle bin, there’s no extra fee.