Six THE MILL WHISTLE April 24, 1944 A At left i-3 Fraker McBride, S 1 / C , son of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Mc Bride. And the husky youngster (above) is Gary Fraker HIcBride, age 6 months, son of Seaman and Mrs. Fraker Mc Bride. Mrs. Mc Bride was the for mer Miss Tolbert, of Draper. / ..... i Robert Melvin Hicks, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks, of Newport News, formerly of Leaksville. His grandmoth er, Mrs. Huston Jones, is employed in the Burling Department at the Karas- tan Mill. Shown above is W. M. (Peg:) Adkins, S 2/C, and his little daughter, Judy. Peg is at Bainbridge and was fortunate enough to be at home on March 11, to help little Judy celebrate her sixth birthday. Many happy returns, Judy. V ... — Linda Louise Carter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gent Carter, is 10 months old and has certainly gotten a good start towards pretty girlhood. Mother is em ployed in the Burling Department at the Karastan Mill. WTio Said It? “Imagination was given man to compensate him for what he is not; and a sense of humor was provided to console him for what he is.” We’ve printed pictures of a lot of fine youngsters in these pages but few, if any, were finer looking than Jimmie Ray Reese, shown above. He is the 11- months-old son of Mrs. Clyde E. Reese and Pvt. Reese, who is now at Camp Gordon Johnston, Fla. V . . . — Sandra Lynne Spencer is 16 months old and is the daughter of Pvt. and Mrs. D. T. Spencer, of Draper. Daddy is now stationed at Camp Gordon Johnston, Fla. V . , . — Save MORE money, LIVES, and the NATION! Prevent INFLATION. An EXTRA $100 Bond will do itl