August 17, 1942 THE MILL WHISTLE Page Three Nr children of Draper were Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Fulcher, Ashby street. Eldridge Lovell, who is now em ployed in Baltimore, Md., spent last week here. Mr. and Mrs. Moir Spencer and chil dren, Sandra and Gary Lee, spent the weekend with Mrs. Spencer’s mother, Mrs. Ethel Moxley. ■ Mr. and Mrs. -J. M. Knight and daughter' Laura Sue, spent last Friday evening in Ridgeway, Va., in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. McMahan. Mrs. Ella Waters has returned to work after being out on account of illness. Friends of Mrs. R. L. Lovell extend to her sympathy in the death' of her mother, Mrs. Sadie Comer, which oc curred August 5th. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Noel Lawrence on July. 29th, a daughter, Alice Carol. Mrs. La.wrence is the former Miss Edith Rutledge of Spray. Sheeting Mill Paul Westbrook underwent an op eration Monday for appendicitis. R. M. Melton is attending a camp meeting in. Georgia this week, aiding with Rev. Paul R. Rayle. Roland Taylor was called home Mon day night due to his father’s illness. Pauline Reynolds underwent an op eration Monday night for appendicitis. Milton Gregory, who has been work ing at Wilmington in the shipyard for the past two weeks, has returned, and accepted his former position with the company. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hundley visit ed relatives in Danville, 'Va., Sunday. Mrs. Binky Wade and son, Francis, spent the weekend with relatives in Danville. - Thurman Hall has resigned his posi tion with the company for a job in the shipyards at Norfolk. W. H. Kirks underwent an operation Monday for appendicitis. Supt. P. H. Burrus and Mrs. Burrus .are enjoying a vacation this week. Blanket Mill Sergeant Nathan Powell is at home for a ten day visit. Mrs. Henry Newby and Mrs. May- belle Belton were with their brother, Arthur Belton, at Black Mountain Sanatorium for a few days while he underwent an operation. James 'Manuel, of the Navy, spent the weekend at home, Friends of Ed Hurd will regret to learn that he seriously injured his back recently. Ed is stationed at Fort Jack- son. Latest reports are that he is get ting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence are the proud parents of a baby j^irl, born July 27th. George Lay, of tlie Army Parachute troops, spent several days with his wife and childi'en. Mrs. M. B. Newman, who has been a patient in Leaksville hospital, is Some what improved. We all wish for her a speedy recovery. L. J. Baker spent last weekend in Charlotte with his brother. Miss Lucile Powell, who suffered a painful arm injury several weeks ago, has returned to work. _ Paul Kirer, chief petty officer of the Navy, spent several days with his par ents here. He will take a two months’ course in Norfolk before resuming his new duties. Mrs. W. O. Marlowe and daughter, Mozelle, left on Monday for Richmond, where Mozelle will undergo an opera tion. We understand that our people are somewhat lax in giving our editors names and addresses of their men folks in service. If you want your men folks to receive The Mill Whistle give us their address!!! Karastan Mill Miss Jackie Mabes is on her vacation this week, she is visiting friends in South Carolina. Mrs. Margaret Cook is working in Jackie Mabes’ place this week at the Karastan wage bureau. Mr. and Mrs. David Jones and little son Danny have returned to their home in Berkley, W. Va., after spending sev eral days with his mother, Mrs. Minnie Jones, Oakland Heights, Leaksville. Mrs. Grissom Manley and mother, Mrs. Cora Martin, are in Baltimore this week on business. The Carvers and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Moyer Spencer are happy to hear that their son, Cary, who has been critically ill for several weeks, is better and will soon be out again. Miss Evelyn Claybrook has as house guest' for several weeks Miss Mary Belle Smith of Roanoke, Va. Mrs. Marvin Hutchinson and children visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L- E- Morefleld, in High Point the past week end. Mrs. Estelle Tolar, spent the weekend at her home in Reidsville, N. C. , Miss Mildred Rickman spent last weekend in Burlington with Miss Dor othy Sutton. Pvt. Han'y C. Nelson, Jr., a former employee of Marshall Field and brother of Miss Carmen Nelson has been pro moted to private first class, and is now stationed in Northern Ii-eland. Mrs. Maud Jones is spending two weeks at Scott.s Field, 111., with her brother, who is in service there. Mrs. Mabel Steele, Misses Mildred Rickman and Dorothy Manley attended the Young Peoples Convention of the P. H. Church at Marion, N. C,, the past weekend. Mrs. I.oUi lliirst i-.i spending the week with lier liusband in Baltimore, Md. She was accompanied to Baltimore by her mother who will visit with her daughter, Mi-ss Pearl Shreve. Miss Katherine Cox and Elaine Gro gan spent Saturday in Danville. Mr. and Mrs. James Galimofe spent last week at Myrtle Beach, Slim Flannagan is taking his vaca tion this week. 'Vt''e hope he has a nice • one. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Berrier spent last week in Asheville, N. C. Mrs. Virginia Irving is visiting her daughter, Mrs. S. E. Adcock, Jr., in Richmond, Va. Those on the sick list in the Burling room are Mrs. Rachel Manuel and Mrs. Rosa Nance. We wish them a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Whitten had as dinner guests Saturday night Frances Cardwell and Cabel Gilbert. After dinner the two couples took in a show. Cabel is having to go back to his post of duty in the Navy Wednesday. We hope he’s had a nice visit. Mr. and Mrs. Kennis Frith visited relatives at Rocky Mount, Va., during the past weekend. Mr. and Mrs. George Moore and fam ily are house guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell, while Mrs. Mitchell is on her vacation this week. Superintendent Virgil Hall entertain ed about 50 guests at. his home on the Stoneville road Sunday. The chief in terest centered around a chicken fry, and afterwards Mr. Hall furnished six teen horses for those interested in horseback riding for the afternoon. The guests were invited back to the Halls for six o’clock dinner. The Arthur Lewis’s returned last week from their vacation and report a splen did time. They visited his parents in Freehold, N. J., for a week. James Berry has already undergone an operation at Baptist hospital in Win ston-Salem and is now on the road to recovery. We hope his condition con tinues to improve. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hirst returned last week from Camp Silver Belle lo cated at Ephrata, Pa. It is one of the largest spiritualist camp in America. They resided at the Mountain Springs •Hotel. It is an historical hotel known to be the place Abraham Lincoln stayed. The original room is there and the reg ister with his signature. Mrs. D. T. Spencer recently an nounced the engagement of her daugh ter, Helen, to J. Agnew Clinard, of Washington, D. C. The wedding will take place August 30th. Mrs. Frank C. Stehlig returned from a short visit with family and friends in Philadelphia. Setters and friends of Mrs. Evelyn Dunn extend to her their deepest sym pathy because of the death of her father. “We cannot have all we want, if our soidiers and sailors are to have all they need.’’—President Roosevelt. Ever.ybod.y every pay day . . 10%.