1 August 31, 1942 THE MILL WHISTLE Page Three Bleachery Mrs. Nannie Black of Winston-Salem visited in the home of Mr. and^ Mrs. Walker DeHart of Draper the ' past week. ■ - Leaving Draper Mr. and Mrs. George Snow and fani-'. ily and H. C. Freeman visited Mrk Snow’s parents of , Rocky Mount, Va;,, Sunday. Misses Annie Glass and Fay Bate- ' man, Mrs. Gedrge Glass and Hayfhdhd, Hall visited relatives at Mount Airy,. N. C. and Hillsville, Va., last weekend.' Reuben Belton of Newport' News^. . Va., spent a few days in .town- last week. Corp. Ernest Shuford, who is now stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas, was home on furlough last week to see’ his mother, Mrs; Mabel Shuford. Miss Florence .Patton, of Marion, N. C., is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Thomas and Mrs. Mabel Shuford. Mrs. M. W. Whitt and son, David, and Mrs. Nannie Barham were dinner guests Sunday of Mrs. Annie Meeks.' Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sprdlin and daughter, of Roanoke, Va., visited Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Fisher the past week end. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Fisher and family attended the Neal reunion, Sunday. Mrs. R. A. Bowman and daughter, Patricia Ann, of Kannapolis, N. C., and Alfred Owens, of,the U. S. Navy, sta tioned at Corpus Christi, Texas, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bryant. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Williams and family and Mr. and Mrs. Odell Manuel and baby spent a few days recently with Mr. and Mrs. George Snow. Mrs. Russel Fulcher and son attend ed the Neal reunion at Shilo church, Sunday. Rayon Mill Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Johnston and two daughters, Faye and June, visited Mr. and Mrs. Walker Goad in Stuart, Va., on the weekend of the 15th. v Irving and Elwood Stephens of New port News, Va., are spending a few days visiting relatives in Spray. Miss Lucille Stephens spent the weekend in Reidsviile with her sister, Mrs. George Trent. Miss Ollie Campbell, Mrs. Charlie Hunter, Mrs. Edith Clifton, Mrs. Charlie Gilley and Mrs. Hayman Hall spent Saturday in Danville, Va. Rufus Hylton and S. S. Dodson at tended the Stanley reunion near Ridge way, Sunday. Mrs. N. M. Ballard spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. Rosie Hund ley, in .Draper. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Johnston and two daughters and Mrs. J. I. Johnston and daughter, Lottie, visited in Burlington over the weekend. They were accom panied home by Miss Nancy Martin, who will spend a week with her grand- J. Carl Page, Draper, connected with Wage Bureau of Marshall Field and Company for the past six years,.^ has tendered his resignation to accept a new post as manager of the Wage Bureau and Standards Division of the Dan River and Riverside Mills at Danville, Va. He and his family plan to take up their residence in Danville early in Septmeber. The best wishes of the or ganization go with them as they pre pare to leave for the Leaf City. parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Johnston. J. P. Dunn of Glendale, Calif., has been the house guest of his niece, Mrs. Jack Bateman, for the past several days. Lee Crowder, who has been a patient at the Leaksville hospital, has returned home and getting along nicely. Announcement has been made of the marriage of Mrs. Mozelle Tally Steph ens to Pvt. Paul Lientz of the U. S. Army. Mrs. Lientz has resigned her position in the weaving department and has taken residence with her husband in Greensboro, where he is stationed at the present time. Mrs. T. E. Stephens of the weaving department recently spent a week visit ing her husband at Newport News, Va. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Woodlief has re turned home from a trip to Washing ton, Baltimore and Fort Meade, Md., where they visited their son. Pvt. Jack Woodlief, of the U. S. Army. Blanket Mill Mrs. Gladys Leary spent the weekend in Roanoke, Va., with her son. Clay. Miss Hazel Cochrane was the week end guest of Miss Edna McDowell, in Danville. Dan Strutton, Cloth Room., is on his vacation this week. Dewey McBride, of the Navy, is at home for a short furlough. Mrs. W. O. Marlowe has returned home after spending a week with her daughter, Morelle, who is a patient in Grace hospital, Richmond, Va. James Roberts, of the Army, is with his parents for a few days. George Mundy, U. S. Army, is spend ing this week with his parents. Mrs. G. C. Swinney and children are visitng relatives in Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Strader, Mrs. R. N. Ellis and Mr. Cody Stegall have re turned home after a ten-day trip that included short stops at places of interest in New York, Detroit and dlanada. Mrs. Roy Saunders is a patient in Leaksville hospital. Will Burke visited in Washington, D. C., over the weekend. He was accom panied by his parents. Harry Barrow and Wesley Weadon were weekend guests of U. V. Grant, Stoneville road. Clifford Carter, U. S. Navy, is at home for a short visit. He is now stationed in Seattle, Wash. Miss Sara Cherry is leaving this morn ing for Washington, D. C., where she has accepted a position. Much interest is being manifested in the Weave Room in the new 25 percent wool blankets we are making for the Army. In addition to being very nice looking they have every indication of being serviceable, long lasting'blankets. We’re rather proud of them. Congratulations! Congratulations to Mrs. Katherine. Turner on her winning letter on “How the Fair Benefits the Tri-City.’’ Mrs. Turner is Blanl^t Mill correspondent for The Mill Whistle. Biggest Codfish Believed the biggest codfish on rcc9rd, a cod caught off Massachu setts in 1895 weighed about 211 pounds and was more than six feet long. DELIVERY OF WAR BONDS THRU PAYROLLS There are about 3,000 employees of the Marshall Field organization buying war bonds through the payroll allot ment plan. This entails a great deal of additional work in the aecounting department. This department is ar ranging to purchase these bonds for the employees once a month—about the I5th of the month. By this method there will be some delay between the time enough money is collected to buy the bond and the delivery to the work er. To purchase these bonds weekly as they are paid for would put a great deal more work on the accounting de partment, and it is hoped that this slight delay will be satisfactory' to all of the bond purchasers.