MILL WHISTLE Display Portrays Loss In Wages Due To Absenteeism Loss of earnings due to absenteeism is portrayed in a striking manner by the display board shown above which is located inside the Bedspread Mill. The $995.00 loss in wages is for Bed spread employees only for the one week ending December 21. The figure is ob tained by multiplying the hours lost by absentees by the average hourly rate fcr the Bedspread Mill. This display consists of a piece of three-quarter-inch plywood three by five feet upon which is mounted a drawing of a Fieldcrest paycheck. The Pres. McBain Announces Organization Changes For Chicago Stores Hughston M. McBain, president of Marshall Field & Company, has an nounced the following organization changes' in the Chicago area; Effective January 2, 1948, Harold J. Nutting is appointed General Manager of the Chicago and Suburban Stores. Austin T. Graves continues in his capacity of Assistant General Manager and General Operating Manager and , will be in complete charge of the Stores in the absence of Mr. Nutting. Jean L. Schureman is appointed General Merchandise Manager. In the absence of Mr. Schureman, Paul M. (Continued on Page Two) amount of money is shown in red and the week ending in black. The board will rotate through the various departments in the Bedspread Mill each week showing the loss in earnings for a recent pay period. Jones Norman, Leaksville personnel manager, originated the idea for the display. The board was built by the Bedspread Shop and the painting and lettering was done by Robert Jent- schura and 'Wilfred Stultz, of the Kar- astan Designing Department. Howard And Rathburn Receive Promotions Ivie Announces New Sales Pro motion Set-up Effective Jan. 1 Paul H. Howard has been appointed general sales promotion manager for Fieldcrest Mills and Merle G. Rathburn has been named advertising manager according to an announcement by G. Lawson Ivie, general sales manager, who said the new set-up would enable Howard to devote more of his time to a wider scope of sales promotion. The promotions were effective January 1. Howard joined the Company at the Frederick & Nelson Store in Seattle in (Continued on Page Five) Curtis Lea Is Named Fieldcrest Salesman In Southern Territory Local Man Replaces Dan Boone Who Has Returned To 88 Worth Street To Handle Distributor Sales Curtis Lea, former manager of the Employees Store at Spray, effective January 1, took over the Southern sales territory for Fieldcrest domestics, replacing W. E. “Dan” Boone who re turned to 88 Worth Street, New York, to be in charge of Fieldcrest sales to distributors. Lea is a native of Leaksville and after completing his education in the local schools he went to work for the Chandler Drug Company. He saw ser vice in France, Belgium and Germany with the 9th Infantry in World War II. On receiving his discharge he came to Fieldcrest Mills in May of 1946 as man ager of the Employees Store. In May, 1947, Lawson Ivie drafted him as a sales trainee for Fieldcrest domestics and in July assigned .to him the handling of New York wholesale CURTIS LEA and jobbing accounts. This new promo tion is further recognition of Lea’s good work in developing his natural talent for selling.