MILL WHISTLE Mapping plans for campaign:—Representatives from business and industry in the Tri-Cities will take an active part in the County-wide canvass to increase participation in the payroll savings plan. Shown above as they prepared for the campaign are, left to right: D. F. Mitchell, New System Laundry; John Smith, Sr., John Smith & Sons and Mayor of Leaksville; Macon P. Miller of Fieldcrest Mills, industrial chairman lor the County-wide canvass; Douglas Craddock, Radio Station WLOE, county chairman of the U. S. Savings Bonds Committee; and Kenneth C. Wible, deputy director for the U. S. Savings Bonds office in Greensboro. Payroll Savings Drive Set For October 2-8 County-wide Canvass Of Industrial Firms Will Give All Employees Opportunity To Sign Up for U.S. Savings Bonds ★ A campaign to increase participation in the Payroll Savings Plan has been scheduled for October 2-8. This will be a County-wide effort to enroll all in dustries in the Savings Plan. The goal is 100% enrollment among all 26 larger industries of Rockingham County. Each unit will attempt to en roll at least 25% of the employees. The Payroll Savings Plan is now active in (Continued on Page Two) Military Policies Are Re-Instated Referring to page five of this issue, you’ll note that the Com pany has re-instated the full-time military service policies in effect during World War II. The liberal provisions of these policies—the bonus for employees entering military service, the insurance protection for dependents paid for by the Company and the con tinuing employee benefits are above and beyond those required by law. Coimcirs Anniversary And 2 5-Year Club Meet Scheduled This Week This coming week will be eventful ones for members of the Carolina Co operative Council and of the Fieldcrest Mills 25-Year Club. The Council will celebrate its 30th anniversary with special exercises at 7:30 p. m. Thurs day, September 21 in the Leaksville High School auditorium.-The Honorable W. Kerr Scott, governor of North Caro lina, will be the speaker. Milton C. Mumford, vice-president of Marshall Field & Company and general manager of Fieldcrest Mills, will attend. The Junior Council has been extend ed an invitation. Wives, husbands or escorts of members of both the Coun cils are invited. Charter members* of the Senior Council will be honored at a dinner at Meadow Greens Country Club at 6 p. m. Thursday. 25-Year Club Meeting Members of the 25-Year Club will hold their annual meeting at a bruns- (Continued on Page Two) Several Organization Changes Are Announced The following organization changes, effective September 5, have been an nounced by Harold W. Whitcomb, assistant general manager: J. G. Commins has joined Fieldcrest Mffls as manager of the Electric Blanket Mill. He will temporarily work under the direction of J. P. Powell until such tirne as Mr. Powell can be relieved of this responsibility and devote full time to his other duties as manager of Bleachery, Finishing Mill and Central Warehouse. U- L. Alfred was appointed manager of contract sales for electric blankets, reporting to Mr. Commins. J. L. Marlowe, superintendent of the Electric Blanket Mill also reports di rectly to Mr. Commins. Sale of electric blankets under the Fieldcrest ticket continues to be handled by A. F. Lux in New York who reports to A. S. Thompson. In organization changes effective Sep tember 1; The designation of Wage Bureau was (Continued on Page Two)