DRAPER NEWS (Continued from Page Six) Harris of Danville visited Mrs. Helen Cochran Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hatcher visited in Danville Sunday. Mrs. Charlie Martin, Mrs. Cabell Gray, of Price, N. C., and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Harvey visited Mrs. Diamond Smith, of Greensboro, over the week end. George Payne, of Kingsport, Tenn., visited his daughter, Mrs. Hubert Stone, last week. We’re glad that Mrs. Ruth Talbert is improving following an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Odell Bolick were guests Sunday of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Troy Bolick. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Agee visited Mrs. Lily Ramsey Sunday. Mrs. Turner Jarrell is a patient in the Reidsville hospital. Mrs. Elbert Cochran and daughters, Doris and Barbara, and Bill Powell visited Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Rocoully, of Henderson, Sunday. Mrs. Rocully re turned with her mother to spend a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Wilson and son, of Ridgeway, visited Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard McCracken Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Bowers and daugh ter attended the car races in Martins ville Sunday. James Roberts has returned to Fred ericksburg, Va. Mrs. Lillie Roberts and daughter visited her brother, Walter Yeatts, at Axton, Va., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hundley, Jackie Hundley, and Mrs. Sallie McCullough spent Sunday with friends in Bassett, Va. W. G. Hall is visiting his son, Walter Hall. Hunter and Dillard Harris and Shorty Webb visited Mr. J. C. Webb, of Mount Airy. Pete Hall has received word that his son, Clyde, who was wounded in Korea, has returned to duty. Ronnie Gauldin, a student at State College, Raleigh, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Gauldin, over the week-end. Mrs. Hester Flynn and daughter, of Spray, were week-end guests of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Thomasson. We’re glad to have Vera Talbott back sfter an absence due to illness. Mrs. Liza Dorsett is visiting her daughter, Minnie Smith, for a few days. Sarah Weadon is receiving treatment in Martinsville General Hospital. Mrs. Francis Jarrett is ill at her home. Mrs. Fred Hall visited Mrs. Gladys McCracken Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barrow visited Mr. and Mrs. Paul Westbrook Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Slayton and children, of Spray, visited the latter’s Parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Allen, Sunday. Sanford Bradford is in Martinsville Monday, October so, 1950 ARMISTICE DAY—1918—If you look closely you may be able to identify someone in the picture above. Old photo shows a scene at Spray during the parade and celebration Armistice Day, 1918. The picture was taken from near the end of the railroad trestle looking toward the tower of the Nantucket Building. The print is from an old album belonging to Mrs. R. G. Matthews of the Highlands, mother of Lorene Bailey of the Payroll Department. Hospital receiving treatment. Buddy Wilson, of the Sheeting Card Room, broke one of the side glasses in his classy little ’49 Ford Wednesday and, according to latest reports from George Minter, hasn’t slept a wink since. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Curry and children visited the latter’s mother, Mrs. George Nelson, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crouch and fam ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Murray of Price. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Parrish visited Mr. and Mrs. Lee King Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Adkins had as a week-end guest Mrs. Joe Allen, of Rich mond, Va. Kenneth Gillespie, of the U. S. Navy, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Gillespie. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Coon and daugh ter visited in Raleigh Sunday. Mrs. Dessie Hooker, Mrs. Minnie Crouch, and Mrs. Josephine Coon have returned to work after being out due to illness. Marriage Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rodgers announce the marriage of their daughter, Tula, to Ralph W. Bromley, of Washington, D. C. The ceremony was performed in the First Methodist Church, Portsmouth, Virginia, October 7. They will reside at 9610 Sherwood Place, Ocean View, Va. Absentee Meter Two-week periods ending October 1 and October 15 Per Cent mill 10-1 10 -15 Finishing 2.7 Central Warehouse ... 4.5 4.0 Electric Blanket ... . . . 2.4 4.2 Towel 4.2 Bleachery 4.4 Hosiery 4.6 Karastan . ..,5.1 5.1 Bedspread 5.5 Rayon . .. 5.5' 6.3 Blanket . .. 5.9 7.1 Sheeting .. . 8.9 9.8 TOTAL . .. 5.3 5.7 CARD OF THANKS I’d like to take this means to thank the many friends for their thoughtful ness and kindness to me during my ill ness. —Hobert Ratliff. ~k The one-talent man was the only one who took no risks — and he lost all. Buy . . . Sell . . . Swap LOST: Bank book on Savings Account, Leaksville Bank & Trust Co. Reward. Joseph B. Hill, Draper, N. C. WANTED TO BUY: Used baby stroller, collapsible. Must be in Good Condi tion. Call 372-W. FOR SALE: 1 Shallow Water Electric Pump. 1 open face Coal Heater. 1 Laundry Heater. J. H. Wade, Blanket Weave or Cascade Ave., Draper. FOR SALE: 2 ’possum dogs, horn and light. See Herman Black, 406 Gordon Street, Spray, between 3 p. m. and 8 p. m. WANTED TO BUY: Used Baby Carri age. Must be in Good Condition. Call 758-W. 3| ,?il