MILL WHISTLE fty-Year Service Emblem Awarded Oscar Ferguson Oscar F. Ferguson of the Sheeting Mill is shown as he received a gold and ’’lond service pin in recognition of 50 years of continuous service with the Com- '5^. E. W. Medbery, production manager, made the presentation at a luncheon 'oring Mr. Ferguson January 8, the date on which he completed his' fiftieth year the mills. (More pictures on page five.) '' — I i'fnpany Offers Help ith 1951 Tax Returns in the past, Fieldcrest Mills will ''ide help to employees in prepar- their income tax returns again this Members of the Industrial and Relations Department and other 'lified volunteers will help fill out tax forms. There will be no charge this service. i^tters announcing details of the will be mailed to each employ- , Those desiring assistance on pre- their returns will so indicate on bottom of the letter and turn it in their departmental supervisor. A ®duie of appointments will be ar- '8ed beginning about February 15. '^e annual withholding statements W-2) ,are being prepared in the ^oll Department and will be dis- ^'ited to employees by the end of 'Uary. 50-Year Man Honored By Carolina Council An honorary life membership in the Carolina Council was awarded to Os car F. Ferguson, Sheeting Mill, at the Council’s regular monthly meeting at Central Y.M.C.A. Thursday, January 17. Mr. Ferguson completed 50 years of continuous service with the Company January 8. He was a charter member of the Carolina Council. A plaque suit ably inscribed was presented to Mr. Ferguson on behalf the Council by Macon P. Miller. Talks on business conditions by H. W. Whitcomb, assistant general manager and E. W. Medbery, production mana ger, comprised the main program at the joint meeting of the senior and junior councils. Mrs. Norwood Cheek enter tained with songs. Attendance prizes were awarded to Edd Clark, Training Dept., and Hilda Joyce, Karastan. Simpson Re-Elected Mutual Aid President; Other Officers Chosen —*— In the recent election of officers, di rectors and unit committeemen for the United Mutual Aid Association, Glenn Simpson of the Bleachery was re elected president. C. W. Tulloch, Bed spread, vice president, and C. O. Archi bald, Central Warehouse, treasxirer, also were re-elected. Homer Vernon, Draper personnel manager, was elect ed secretary succeeding L. H. Shef field of the General Office, and B. F. Dunton, assistant purchasing agent, was elected assistant secretary. Other members of the board of di rectors are Durwood Smith, Electric Blanket; C. B. Rakestraw, Finishing; J. B. Reynolds, Karastan; Ray Warner, Rayon; Robert Oldham, Sheeting; and R. L. Wilkes, Industrial and Public Re lations Department, business manager. The Mutual Aid officials took office at the first meeting of the new year, Jan uary 8, and will serve for one year. Unit committeemen were elected as follows; Bedspread—C. W. Tulloch, chairman; C. J. Buckner, F. W. Younts, George M. Vernon, Sr., Perry Harris. Blanket—H. J. Vernon, chairman; W. D. Giles, J. C. Harraway, Melvin Moore, Frank Hutson. Bleachery—Glenn Simpson, chair man; Charlie Luther, Eugene Purcell, C. S. Stanley, Georgia Thomas. Central Warehouse—C. O. Archibald, chairman; E. E. Boyd, C. D. Harris, J. M. Burton, Kemp Newnam. (Continued on Page Three) ^ Red Cross Blood Unit To Be Here Wednesday The Leaksville-Spray-Draper chapter of the American Red Cross is making an urgent appeal for 355 blood donors for the Armed Forces Blood Program. A Red Cross blood unit will be at Leaksville Armory from 10:00 a. m. until 5:00 p. m. Wednesday, January 23. Appointments to give blood may be made by telephoning the Red Cross Office, 686 or after 5:00 p. m. by tele phoning Station WLOE, 701.