^WHISTLE Attractive Packaging Helps To Sell Fieldcrest Sheets 952 Goal, To Do the Best Job Ever: Chairman McBain To Management .I'd do the very best job ever of run- |'*'g this business in our Centennial ear—that’s the 1952 goal set by Chair- of the Board Hughston M. McBain ' his annual address to the manage- !®nt group of the Chicago and Subur- ^ Stores. “The goal in itself isn’t small and isn’t ^y, but it should be fun and stimu- if we set our minds to it,” he said. In his remarks to the management 'Oup, Chairman McBain said: Celebrate With Humility ‘What does one say about something is 100 years old? And by ‘some- ijig> I am not referring to living **igs such as (oh, turtles or sequoia ;®s) but rather an inanimate ‘some- such as this great store of ours. ® are proud and justly so of achiev- 5 our 100th birthday. The temptation strong to thump out chests, preen our others, and say to the world: ‘Look —we are 100—aren’t we wonder- In order to help us avoid that *iptation we have chosen instead to ®brate this' distinguished anniversary humility and to say thank you to those many thousands who have en abled us to live and prosper for 100 years. We might call this attitude our theme song, and 1 hope we sing it con stantly throughout the year. Let’s all continue to give a hearty thank-you to our customeis, a hearty thank-you to our resources and to our shareholders, and, last but not least, to all our em ployes of today and to those who pre ceded us.” In Business 100 Years Chairman McBain then talked at length about what he termed a “cen tury of climate.” He explained that he did not plan to review the records of rainfall throughout the years, and that certainly he was “not foolish enough at this point to challenge the contention of the oldsters that old-fashioned win ters were colder and with deeper snows than nowadays!” “The kind of climate I intend to dis cuss,” he said, “is one that we can do something about. I want to talk about two specific climates—in both of which you play the leading roles.” (Continued on page seven) New Packaging of Fieldcrest Sheets Called “Best Ever” Fieldcrest sheets, long famous for their quality, now are dressed up in new packaging which makes them look more beautiful than ever. More than 10 months of planning, study, design and experiment went into these new designs. “Beautiful packages make any good product sell better” says C. E. Moulton, sales manager of the sheet department, in describing the work that went into the new packages. “After considerable study, we found that several things are necessary—color, the shape of the pack age, something to make it ‘different’ from other packages, attractive design and arrangement of type. And of course, it has to have all the necessary informa tion for both the salesperson and the housewife who buys our sheets.” “With all of these things in mind, we started to redesign our old packages. You’d be surprised how many hours went into finding out exactly what size package sells best and stacks best on counters” continued Mr. Moulton. “We found that a smaller, more compact package seemed to have more appeal. Then we tried to see what types of colors are the most effective. “Finally, this information was turned over to one of the best package de signers in the country. His experience in package design goes back over many years with everything from famous brands of soap to wine bottles and shaving lotions. Having done con- (Continued on page four) ★ Many Employees Receive Income Tax Assistance A number of employees have taken advantage of the income tax service being provided by Fieldcrest Mills. Others who desire assistance in filing their annual income tax returns may still receive this help. An appointment should be made by telephoning or call ing at the Personnel Office serving your miU. By making an appointment ahead of time, waiting is avoided. The free service is available to all Fieldcrest employees.